
"The time is past" is wrong for one reason: Biden told us he was capable of this. People voted for him because they believed this. They now feel he lied to them. That he betrayed them. And so something has to be done.
It’s such a perfect example of painting oneself into a corner. You’re exactly right, but the time for course correction has seemingly passed. I see no way he can maintain sufficient faculties for another 4 yrs, it’s now a faith that he can install “youth” to carry on the fight, if you will.
I’m a 28 year old Biden voter. I don’t feel lied to. You do know that this was a debate hosted by CNN, for ratings, and not a job responsibility as president right? Biden doing a bad job at a debate doesn’t translate to whether he can be an effective president.
You acting like it does just makes me wonder how serious everyone is about the future. To me it doesn’t seem like the pundit class cares about what happens come November. The only danger to this country is Trump. Full stop.
I feel like American politics writers brains have been broken by these past nine years. That they are so mired it in they can't see things clearly.