Jessica Mulein

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Jessica Mulein

President and founder of 501c3 Digital Defiance Open Source Software Engineering Guild. SDE II at Microsoft. Musician.
I think you're taking it wrong. I just mean why give him any more visibility when you're talking about the curse being to be forgotten. That's all. Peace, my friend.
Would large scale noise cancelling work near the Bitcoin mine or would it just increase the air pressure? Does noise cancelling actually reduce sonic pressure? It has to, right?
If Biden doesn't win and we have a revolution, it feels kind of the same as the Trumpers.. "but we're in the right" doesn't really help it. So how do we fix broken America without being in the wrong? Vote. Vote like your life depends on it. It very well may.
Reposted byAvatar Jessica Mulein
Nice electric grid ya got. Be a shame if someone were to start… mining bitcoin around here
Republicans will still vote for the child molesting, woman assaulting, multiply convicted felon. This country is lost. Not to mention we can't keep turning 180 degrees every few years. Somehow we need to all head the same direction.
Its going around? Me too... Must be something in the water.
How long until a child is arrested under some interpretation of an old law for entering the adult restricted area and exposing themselves to "pornography".
Two aliens made a bet. One alien bet another one that they could destabilize the world without breaking any of the puny human laws. Second alien did not foresee the legal maneuvering of Trump and the SCOTUS.
Somehow I think this could be a "two aliens walk into a bar" joke.
Those who make violent revolution lawful make peaceful revolution impossible.
Reposted byAvatar Jessica Mulein
I want to see Biden use his motorcade to personally deliver mifepristone & misoprostol to women in Texas
Technically that statement is not in conflict if you modify the law, as they have done.
This is one of the ways in which Trump is brilliant; he identifies loopholes in laws or interprets them in ways that render his actions 'technically' legal. Brilliance in one area does not necessitate that there are no other (serious) cognitive deficiencies.
Those about to go to college- make sure that: a) you know what you are going for b) you are picking an education that will open doors c) you are picking an education that will support you as your brain declines from 40 through 65 and after you retire
As a Jewish LGBT person, I'm utterly terrified Trump will actually win.
Biden- I would have given you a day's supply of adderall, modafinil, and bought you redbull. It would have been the least I could do as an american patriot.
If we were drinking every time Biden said "the idea", we'd be fucking wasted.
Of course they're going to get killed by Thomas. I think the funniest thing I've seen was when they modded Skyrim to have all the Dragons be Thomas engines breathing fire.
So, do therapists have an obligation to report far right Republicans as they are a danger to themselves and others?
If there is a God that is indeed all-knowing then all living things must be connected. If every living thing is connected to the universe/God, then an insect could be the other kind of "bug" for the universe.
We are the sensors and voices of the universe, or perhaps God.
Reposted byAvatar Jessica Mulein
My sister got COVID and died suddenly in her sleep a few months later. Everybody said COVID was no big deal, but my sister is gone.
There's a reason he's bleeding from his everywhere.
I was adopted and then cut off at 36 by a conservative family who didn't agree with my ideals. I'm sorry for your loss and I feel sympathy. I know what it feels like to lose your parents. You're not alone though. Lean in to your family if you have one, and friends. The Internet is great.
I run a 501c3 non profit open source engineering guild whose purpose is to unify, facilitate, and promote open source engineers and possibly get collective bargaining ability. I have multiple board of directors roles open. Do you have any nominations or suggestions?