John Holbo

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John Holbo

Professor of Philosophy, Illustrator of Philosophers
Avatar I persist in my view that J.D. Vance is a conscious Machiavellian & that, when he says stuff like this, he is relishing the equivocation aspect of it. He literally believes that Alex Jones message - but is well aware that it describes his side not the other side.
He's a Thiel guy teaming up with a guy he knows is a serial sexual assaulter, to pull off a job, to transition the country to a more oligarchical form of government.
Reposted byAvatar John Holbo
I do love this passage from the judgment in this case.
Decided to read the Agenda 47 Wikipedia page, since probably that's the future. Hard to know what to make of it since so much of it literally makes no sense. It is predicated on stuff that is outright phantasmagoric - so who can say? Stuff like this.
President Donald J. Trump — Free Speech Policy Initiative | Donald J. Trump For President President Donald J. Trump announced a new policy initiative aimed to dismantle the censorship cartel and restore free speech.
Like what does this even say? Who is going to be deprived of the vote? The whole thing reads like an attempt to legally enforce, somehow, Trump's story that 2020 was stolen by classifying content moderation as election interference?
'Penumbra' does sound fancy. Like that time John Madden said something like 'hey you know why it's Three Rivers Stadium? Because it's at the confluence of three rivers! Confluence! That's a big word! Like mayonnaise!' (That cracked me up.) Penumbras aren't fancy. Just trisyllabic.
Okay the outcome of Griswold was good but the core reasoning was uuuuuuh weak to say the least “Penumbras” is kinda just “it was revealed to me in a dream”
Some people find trisyllabicism inherently antipersuasive. Some find it the veritable antipodes of antipersuasiveness.
Reposted byAvatar John Holbo
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
Journalism isn’t all it used to be.
I dunno. What makes you feel so certain?
Always thought it was crazy that she was a sniper during Israel's War of Independence. Apparently. Says so on Wikipedia.
Here is a full transcript of Jack Posobiec's alarmingly fascist speech about the war against "un-humans," which he delivered from the main stage of the National Conservatism Conference this week, immediately before a speech by a US Senator. Read it for yourself
Jack Posobiec's Speech About "Un-Humans" at the National Conservatism Read this for yourself, please.
It would clearly need to be Biden-directed, strongly. If Biden wanted to do it, he could do it. If Biden doesn't want to do it, strongly, it won't happen. And it's pretty clear Biden isn't going to do it. I think that's clearly unfortunate, but I don't think we are necessarily doomed therefore.
Apologise for two 'clearly's. That's obnoxiously emphatic.
Excuse me, two 'clearly's and a 'clear'. I clearly shouldn't have had that 3rd pot of coffee.
I don't think Biden is doomed. Agreed. The doom-and-gloom party insiders who aren't doing anything really do manage to combine the worst of both. But I also take the credible 2nd-hand reporting of their pessimism as worth factoring in. They do see numbers, the insiders.
It's tough. You have to juggle a bunch of unknowns like: what if we get Harris and it feels fresh and exciting. Like: we took the plunge and it feels fine! Maybe it's hopeless arguing. For me a big consideration is: Biden isn't going to get better. He is who he is. Harris might be worse - or better.
If you are on track to lose, with not much prospect for change, the normally reckless step of opting for a different option with deep downsides - but also clear potential upsides - is attractive. I judge it to be so. If you are losing you have to change something. Biden you can't change. He's him.
I'm losing followers. I do recognise that if I can't even maintain my humble follower count, that is in itself an argument for sticking with Biden. I am an empiricist and I see that arguing 'people won't mind switching' and then them minding the very thought of it is counter-evidence. Yeah.
I can totally see how the convention could be a total shitshow if Biden pulls out. But I can also seeing it being a weirdly easy transition based on a collective recognition of the problem and the agreed goal: beat Trump. It's a given that it's uncertain and risky. But so is staying the course.
Nobody can prove what the weather is going to be in November obviously.
I keep saying 'feel' because it's short. Read 'reason admittedly uncertainly based on what I take to be the best evidence' for 'feel'!
My reason for thinking that a late convention fight in 2024 wouldn't play out like '68 is that, in '68 the party really had internal divisions that burst out. In 2024 there are those divisions - over Gaza - but I think Dems won't be fighting over that if they fight about Biden.
I feel if it's Biden the people like me who would probably prefer Harris will be fine. I'm fine with Biden if it's him. I'm not ideologically mad about it. But, by the same token, if the switch were made to Harris I think the Biden people would be like: eh he was old and the goal is to beat Trump.
Historically it feels weird that you could have a fight so late then it all blows over very quickly and everyone is ok with whatever. But I think that's a very likely result. I get the system isn't built to change this late. Still I think IF Harris were better you could have her low-cost even now.
There I said 'feel'. I'm not just vibing, I hope. I'm looking at the reasons why, say, '68 was a disaster. I think 2024 is different: no ideological split in the party. Just a worry that Old Joe just got too old. Weird that such a non-ideological problem could be so serious. But here we are.
Sure, but that's the whole basis for my argument, too. If the voters were rational, sticking with Biden would be safe. Obviously he's better than Trump. But the worry is that real people will be off-put by Biden seeming very old - because he is. Even though that shouldn't be a deal-breaker.
[Probably I should have padded this skeet with a bit more agnosticism.]
Agreed. The best argument for me shutting up is that Biden is not going anywhere and the brief push to get him out failed. So that's done. I'm not planning to keep hammering on about it past the next few days. If it's Biden, it's Biden. And it's not hopeless if it's Biden. I don't abandon hope!
I don't mean that the decision should be just based on the latest polls, like you'd hit the eject button just because of a bad poll. That would be crazy. I just mean: the whole argument is about likely electability and the polls are evidence for that. Agreed.