
everyone needs to calm the hell down. i'm not in the biden-defending business, but he had one half of one debate that went poorly. that elected dems are talking about removing is ridiculous.
setting the huge electoral liabilities aside, do you really think he's going to be physically and mentally capable of governing for another 4 years? 1 more? I do not. And yes, all of the alternatives are very risky.
You know he's the president right now, right? The evidence he isn't able to run the government is what exactly?
I'm not a doctor but I've known multiple people with dementia and he is obviously sundowning. He's 81 and can only decline from here.
You could have stopped at I'm not a doctor. Biden has given multiple speeches since the debate. Which ones do you think support your diagnosis? But I'll again ask what specific evidence from his current administration leads you to believe he cannot run an administration?
You get better from dementia actually. Just wait
So at some undetermined point in the future we will have evidence of Biden's cognitive state hampering his administration? Will that evidence be coming before or after the election?
Prove he can run a country successfully. You can’t use any hypotheticals just all the trash he’s done as president.