
everyone needs to calm the hell down. i'm not in the biden-defending business, but he had one half of one debate that went poorly. that elected dems are talking about removing is ridiculous.
here's the full quote from Clyburn, which isn't as bad in context, but Doggett seems to have unambiguously called for Biden to step aside
C'mon folks.
Doggett did--and in an email to his constituents, he says, "I am not advocating for any particular individual as our best alternative, but in an open, democratic process we will have a number of Governors and perhaps the Vice President and some members of the Senate from which to choose."
setting the huge electoral liabilities aside, do you really think he's going to be physically and mentally capable of governing for another 4 years? 1 more? I do not. And yes, all of the alternatives are very risky.
i honestly don't really care at this point. it's too late to do anything about it. he can resign next term if he needs to.
Same. He can resign the day after the inauguration if he wants to. I don't care. Electorally, I don't care much either. I'll vote for whoever has the best chance of beating trump. I'd vote for Biden's dead body over trump. Heck, I'd vote for trump's dead body over live trump.
That's why there's a VP attached to the ticket.
You know he's the president right now, right? The evidence he isn't able to run the government is what exactly?
I'm not a doctor but I've known multiple people with dementia and he is obviously sundowning. He's 81 and can only decline from here.
You could have stopped at I'm not a doctor. Biden has given multiple speeches since the debate. Which ones do you think support your diagnosis? But I'll again ask what specific evidence from his current administration leads you to believe he cannot run an administration?
You get better from dementia actually. Just wait
So at some undetermined point in the future we will have evidence of Biden's cognitive state hampering his administration? Will that evidence be coming before or after the election?
consider this though:
CNN's new poll: Trump leads Biden 49/43. Trump leads Harris 47/45. Some differences: —Independents: Biden -10%. Harris +3%. —People of color: Biden +21. Harris +29. The side-by-side:
i will note that like basically everyone else's polls here, trump's lead is essentailly grounded on an alleged 40 point swing right among under-29 minorities
is it possible that under-29 minorities have swung 40 points right but only for the biden v trump race? i mean, i guess.
If there's one thing I know young people of color love, it's Donald J Trump
when you compare it to senatorial polls it implies a level of ticket-splitting roughly double what saved Susan Collins
The answer seems to very much be "we have no fucking idea what's going on"
i think it's not a coincidence that "under 29 minorities" are going to be the demographic with catastrophically bad response rates to polling
While Trump *has* made some unexpected gains in these demographics (largely as a proxy for misogyny in young men), it's nothing in the universe of those numbers, lmao
that's what i think, too. most all of those will come home. i could be wrong, of course. we'll find out in november
80 point swing in young minority men would be… well, they wouldn’t need to AI generate images from NYC for one thing.
They've got Donald Trump BEATING Joe Biden with women in this poll (if I'm reading it correctly) which would awful lot.
Like, we JUST witnessed 2022 and the Ohio referendum votes, but now we're just supposed to believe that all of that is forgotten because of a debate performance? Absolutely fuck outta here.
Yeah, that's comfortably a margin of error difference.
the good news is, this isn't a significant change from this poll's previous incarnation - of course, that's also the bad news!
And does anyone actually believe that polling will hold if she were to become the nominee, getting all the national media scrutiny Biden's getting plus racist and sexist attack ads? I just think polling for someone not actively running for president and for someone who is can't be compared.
Yep. There would be ways of rolling her out that would mitigate this; you could give her a good push. But that doesn't mean it won't happen. A lot of people are going to despise her immediately no matter what.
And Trump winning women over Biden is fundamentally absurd so you know there's SOMETHING going on in that sample. I'm not in the "unskewing" business but we gotta take it all with a lot of salt.
He just finished the fourth speech I've seen since the debate and was just fine.
Copmala Fate Biden Harris already lost a ton of support from Black voters since 2020. For same reasons he’s lost other voters, age, housing prices, Gaza. Etc etc. No introspection, just weird racist claims that Black voters are a monolith.
If Clyburn is saying this, then it has to be the donors who are calling for it.
He's saying it in response to a specific question.
Exactly. It was either this answer or dodge it and have the headline be "Clyborn Refuses to Support Harris Candidacy"
Obama's first debate against Mitt Romney "went poorly." This was much worse. I will still walk over broken glass to vote for Biden but let's look reality in the eye.
What happens to the money the campaign has raised if he does withdraw? I've heard no one talking about that, but I don't think it's transferable?
like its obv the pundits arent srs ab it theyre just reaping profits where they can and in some cases covering their own asses
His own team’s argument is Biden is not cognitively available at night. I don’t think some people have processed that.