
seems relevant. video link in alt text. the obvious rejoinder is that Biden should say it *more* which, sure.
Lots of people yelling at journalists to cover Project 2025, which is fair! And we’ve done and will continue to do extensive coverage of it; but also, maybe the candidate himself should mention it? Which highlights the nub of the issue here.
And he assuredly will as its salience to the campaign continues to rise, and the story stops being drowned out by the press demanding he step down. This whole thing is so silly
Project 2025 didn’t really get traction until Trump “truthed(?)” a denial of his involvement, which links back to this terrible feedback loop of Trump serving as press’s assignment desk since 2016.
This is so depressing when you think about it. Project 2025 only really re-emerged once there was a new Trumpian lens on it. Project 2025 apparently isn't terrifying enough on its own.
"Project 2025" should be on every Biden vol's call and door script, but you know better than I do that stories, especially specific spins or farmings, don't get traction just because the campaign made a statement on something.
Yup, agree. Which was my point earlier about the debate being a missed opportunity. Because that's one of the few times Biden can speak directly to folks. My solace is the DNC has such a huge warchest they can do big ad buys.
July, August and September are all about building your volunteer infra, and my main hope is the bad debate showing gets supervols in key states re-activiated, which in turn helps recruit for the GOTV push in Nov. This an abridged version of the events around mid-Sept 2012.
Yeah, I read some good post-debate reporting that it actually served as a motivator for some folks. Like, oh crap, we could be in danger here and need to mobilize.
this, in turn, is why a yearn for good, on the ground voter and volunteer profile reporting, and hate twee, overheard in the green room between TV hits reporting.