𝕁 π•Œ 𝔸 β„•

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𝕁 π•Œ 𝔸 β„•


Canada Research Chair in Energy Transitions
University of Waterloo

Washer of dishes and driver of daughters.
Canada's inflation rate slowed to 2.7% in June, down from 2.9% in May: www150.statcan.gc.ca... On a monthly basis, this means the rate of price increases is normal. #cdnecon #cdnpoli
I asked ChatGPT to write a beautiful poem encouraging Biden to bow out. Here it is.
I remember when RGB died, and some people were all hysterical, "Oh no, we are doomed!!" We were right.
If Trump wins, I hope my dearest friends move to Canada. So you can see why I am conflicted about Biden.
When Keir Met Sally
Sorry to link to the Other Place, but this clip of Sky News' anchors being literally unable to form words when they saw the UK exit poll results is amazing.
Today, as you drink beers and eat burgers, enjoying the magic of fireworks, remember those who gave you the opportunity to celebrate this day: The Brits.
Happy July 4th to all the future Canadians!
At the Drone Show yesterday, celebrating Canada Day! πŸ©·πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ©΅
Give Biden time. He could break a hip if he steps down too fast.
Biden’s new replacement just dropped.
I thought a seance was going on, or some form of coven was taking place amongst my colleagues. But it was just graduation day.
My talented wife is one very talented baker!
This is why I wok from home.
Maddening that we can’t eat raw vegetables anymore because of wok.
God grant me the serenity to accept there are things whose probability I cannot estimate, Courage to assign probabilities to the things to which I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
God grant me the serenity to accept there are things whose probability I cannot estimate, Courage to assign probabilities to the things to which I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
ChatGPT ruined the word β€œdelve”
We all dislike very much geese taking over the city every year and shitting everywhere, but the goslings show up and we are all β€œsee you next year you fucking beautiful creatures!”
We are happy to report the pre-accident deployment mechanism worked as planned.
An emergency slide that fell from a Delta Air Lines flight just minutes after takeoff on Friday was recovered on Sunday along a Queens jetty about six miles from Kennedy International Airport, officials said. The plane was a Boeing 767-300ER.
Emergency Slide That Fell From Delta Flight Is Recovered From Queens Jettywww.nytimes.com The flight, which took off from Kennedy International Airport on Friday, safely returned to the airport, where crews saw that the slide was missing, according to the airline.
It was also silly for Al Capone not to pay taxes. But I understand it, it is a lot of work.
β€œThe finding that repeated interaction needs group selection to yield super-additive reciprocal cooperation could be the answer to why reciprocity is pervasive in humans & includes high-stakes interactions, but is rare in other social animals & usually restricted to low-stakes interactions”
Why reciprocity is common in humans but rare in other animalswww.nature.com Reciprocal cooperation can be advantageous, but why it is more common in humans than in other social animals is a puzzle. A modelling and experimental study pinpoints the conditions needed for recipro...
These are the type of questions I want to read about!
Yeah, the main point is that it is a mind-boggling way both up and down in spatial scales. I wonder if there is any real meaning to the middle: 1. What is the smallest spatial scale that makes sense? 2. What is the spatial scale of the universe? 3. What is the geometric mean of those numbers?