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Still new to Bluesky, I’ll have something more detailed up here soon! 33/he/him
Avatar this point I can only ask what DOESN`T Costco sell?
The second part’s the important bit, though. I get the feeling they’d have more volunteers if they were able to help cover more of those volunteers’ expenses. Say, a gift card to a nearby restaurant or a hotel gift card to cover a part of the bill for offering to work reg day 1 when it’s busiest.
【大切なお願い】 私のTwitterアカウントが凍結された影響で、完全ロストしてしまった写真がかなりあるみたいです。あと普通に自分でも犬のおにいさん/キースが写ってる写真が見たいので、犬のおにいさん/キースが写ってる写真があれば自分にリプライで投げつけてくれると嬉しいです。漏れなくRP致します。よろしくお願いしまぁす(サマウォ)
Yeah, I’ve heard of a couple cons in Australia doing this, and it really seems to help in terms of making sure they don’t outgrow what they can handle.
Btw, when you go to Infurnity, don’t forget to enter the Lucky Taiwan prize draw. Any foreign tourist can enter, you spin a little raffle at airport arrivals, and the prize is 5000 Taiwan dollars to spend at your hotel or at stores around the con area.
Taiwan the Lucky Taiwan the Lucky Land
I mean, you could, but I remember reading that somewhere in the fine print of EU labour mobility was that the destination country could still ask you to leave if you didn't find a job within 90 days of moving in. Or am I misremembering?
I didn't even know American Finnish was a thing before now. Interesting!
Unless you’ve just flown across oceans, in which case the first couple days are “ugh, I’ve been awake for 3 hours already, what do you mean breakfast is still another hour away?”
Also, I wonder if some of it is also changing perceptions, because recently I’ve even seen people calling Labour “red Tories”.
As an aside, my “discover” page has suddenly seen a lot more UK politics pop up, and now I understand how non-Americans feel when American election season. And hoo boy have I seen some hot takes, I’ve had to block a few particularly rage-baity ones.
Well, that’ll certainly be an unforgettable 4th!
Just be prepared for winter. My glasses fogged up leaving a heated building. Then the fog froze into ice, and I cracked the frame trying (and failing) to wipe it off. Thankfully I always keep a spare pair somewhere in my luggage.
If only Brexit hadn't passed... back in the days when moving was limited by your ability to find work in your new home instead of being stopped before you even have a chance to try thanks to poor decisions on multiple people's parts and a mass manipulation campaign.
Hope you have fun at AC! After crossing MFF off my bucket list back in '22 I've been meaning to do AC too one of these years.
Ah man, that reminds me I'll *just* miss AC weekend during my upcoming trip back to the States.
Once you get to a certain volume, you can start applying for business accounts with discounted shipping from private shipping companies (and USPS as well but the discount isn't as great). THEN pricing starts getting better.
It was the norm to take off your shoes at the door when I was growing up, so when I first went to someone’s house party and they were like “no, you can leave your shoes on” I think it actually took me a couple minutes to process that. And then wonder why on earth someone would allow that.
Ooh, nicely done! How long did it take to make?
Has anyone been successfully fooled by this guy yet?
One man’s “menacing” is another one’s “inviting”.
I've also had a couple of run-ins where they seem friendly enough on casual conversation but after the topic shifts to games, busts out the "y'know why the developers are doing so badly these days? Because they're spending too much time pandering to the woke" and I have to be like "Welp!" and go.
Have you considered flopping onto someone else to make it *their* problem?
I’ve seen other animal toys in gachapons, so probably. It’s just a matter of finding it. Heck’s I even remember reading about a famous local fursuit maker getting their designs into Gachapons.
Oof, sorry to hear that! Hope your comms have been picking up in the meantime.
Yeah, at that point you might have to make it yourself at home.
How many other crushes are there that you’d like to tell the class about?
Oh no, You’re going to give them ideas. Next thing you know we’ve got a VR Starbucks bundle on the shelves.
I think the most I’ve gotten through before losing it is half of one.
I mean, I guess deleting it is still better than trying to follow through with it?