
At some point Democratic elected officials will notice that when Donald Trump has a personal setback the majority of the population literally celebrates in the street, I hope.
I honestly do not know why they are so incredibly timid, it’s insane
My theory is it's eternally 1985 in their ossified old minds.
Being of voting age during 72 and 84 elections made some deep scars.
Losing Congress in Clinton's first term
Reagan broke these ppl. Not until all of the old Democrats are gone.
Asking as a boomer myself, is there any evidence that boomer Democrats are soft on Trump? Maybe it's my bubble, but I can tell you 100% of my cohort that I know personally and adjacent are anti-fascist and liberal. And very pro 34, as it were. And then some.
My guess is it's the senior (in every sense) Democrats who've spent the last 40 years listening to their consultants and inside-the-beltway ever-so-savvy columnists?
I guess I'm confused, are we talking voters or politicians? I don't know of one boomer Democratic voter that is soft on Trump. That's anecdotal of course. And what's the evidence that the bulk of Democratic politicians are soft on Trump?
I was referring to the DC Democratic politicians who came of age during Reagan & up to Bush 2005. Durbin has been in Congress since 1983. Those Democrats still cling to some fantasy about conservatives that never was.
Ah! Got it now. Thanks for that!
Oh sure, that cornball story about Tip O'Neill and St. Ronnie getting a beer after working out an agreement on how to brutalize the poor. I don't believe that actually happened, of course.
Chris Mathews was still fapping about that 35 years later