Justin Morgan

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Justin Morgan


Used to turn wrenches on helicopters for the Navy. Get paid to do computer stuff now.
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Right about now, in 1863, came one of my favorite moments of the Battle of Gettysburg. Division commander Maj Gen Alex Hays, of Pittsburgh, seeing that his division had smashed the rebel attack, kissed his aide-de-camp, grabbed a reb flag, mounted his horse, and rode his line dragging it behind him
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Y'all didn't tell me about the amazing drug dogs that nobody knew about until 2017. #Trump2024
What's a Black job or a Hispanic job?
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“He’s become like a Palestinian, but he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s a weak one.” — A thing President Trump just said about President Biden that neither Biden nor the moderators have pointed out is utterly bizarre. #Debate2024
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"Are you wearing the new..." "Captain's Skort? Yeah, I am."
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marjorie taylor greene is a menace. 350 years ago she would have instigated witch trials against the women in her colony that didn’t want to hang out with her. she would fabricate getting whistled at by a black kid in 1952. she’s just the same awful person over and over in history.
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I had to see this so now so do you
Reposted byAvatar Justin Morgan
I made a Cool S sword
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When your homie has your briefcase
🌱 Plant some trees. Also a firefly napping on some daisy fleabane before their night of debauchery begins.
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Reposted byAvatar Justin Morgan
If I catch mrs alito in my trash cans one more time I'm getting the hose
Reposted byAvatar Justin Morgan
The New York Times Editorial Board should have to list out the views that it feels are being unfairly shunned if it’s going to write an article about them instead of this “you know the ones *smiles bashfully*” nonsense
Reposted byAvatar Justin Morgan
i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
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How did Mark Twain get convinced ACAB? Prof. Seybold has you covered with this thread.
In the Spring of 1864 Twain, while working as a beat reporter for the SF Morning Call, Twain witnessed the murder of a Chinese laborer by a mob that included cops. It radicalized him. He wrote it up, one of the first things he ever authored which he thought deserved to be called “literature”… 2/
Greatest phone call scene.
Happy Tuvix day for all those who celebrate.
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things from the 2000s that are back - apologia for not voting even though very recently protest voting fucked everyone but it’s totally different this time - ppl engaging in excessive retaliation for actually horrible terrorist attacks - ppl being dipshits about pointing this out - mall goth stuff
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Happy 8th Anniversary of J. Mascis Buying a Volkswagen to all who celebrate.
🌱 Well fed squirrel giving me the stink eye because I forgot to throw some corn out. An bunch of fat caterpillars helping themselves to my fennel plants. Native coral honeysuckle bloom. And last year's shot of the back yard. I've dug out even more space for sunflowers this year.
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I haven’t said much about the protests because I’ve nothing original to say. (I know, innovative approach.) But as a nervous-to-paranoid American Jew, I’m a lot more worried about the guys in the background than the woman in the foreground.
JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background thedmonline.com/may-2nd-pro-...
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i swear to god i didn't mean to hit skip intro i was just trying to turn on subtitles
when you press the skip intro button it should always take you to the scene where ben horne is eating a sandwich regardless of which episode youre on
🌱 Big Boi returns. Boy blue searching for food for his suddenly expanded family. And some rad violets.
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Blackthorne: "Tell your master it is morally wrong to tax the populace and that he is a tyrant for supporting big government! In an ideal society, the free market would govern itself!" Mariko: "the Anjin wishes to lower the age of consent"
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If I was one more piña colada into this morning, I’d be sending it to my neighbor
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