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Pdx, law, food, beer, did I mention disc golf
Please give the highlights or lowlights
I think the NYT is trash right now, and their framing of the issues surrounding Biden, but as a die hard Biden voter and defender, it took all of 10 minutes of that debate to make me angry and want some answer other than what we have now.
Your take on it?
I don’t even think trump had an average debate, the word salad of lies coming out of his mouth was nuts. Anyone would struggle to “debate” that kinda nut case, yet I feel anyone would have mopped the floor with him. Instead the focus is on the ever present, faulty or not, issue of Biden’s age.
I agree, but unsure whether he can make that message have import or resonate. I am just stuck with the notion that any policy idea is not going to get people excited or temper the “concerns” about his age. Everything that came out of Trumps mouth was horrifying, yet the focus is on Biden.
Great idea just don’t think Biden should be going near may tv camera for a bit…sigh…not the best messenger as of late
Page 15 In print, and still the headline is skewed www.nytimes.com/2024/02/13/u...
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