
Oprah foisted Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz on us and played a pretty major part in building JD Vance's public profile. I've never heard of the person who wrote this before, and I want to make it clear that I don't mean this flippantly - the person who wrote this is phenomenally ignorant.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
The logistics of de-nominating Biden and then nominating Harris are already incredibly risky. The logistics of nominating anyone else, at this point, are so undeniably unworkable that suggesting it makes it clear you do not understand the American political system and shouldn't write about it.
I know we all like to have a good time online and that can make us prone to hyperbole, but this really is one of the absolute stupidest things I've ever read.
To be clear, my ire is directed at this person, who actually came up with the proposal, not the author of the linked piece
"We need to hold a fresh set of emergency primaries because our guy had a bad night on TV. I'm sure the 27 Republican governors will make sure the legwork and appropriations get done for that to happen."
These fucks need to shut the hell up.
"has no idea how complex organization operates or interacts with its customers/the public, thinks writing checks makes him a genius" is very on brand for a venture capitalist
yeah, like when a person (it was Max Read) wrote that the Biden administration had done *nothing* good since 2022. I'm done here.
We're into the last two months of primary season. Everything is fixed by now.