Jo Bailey

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Jo Bailey

Designer, @jo_bailey on Twitter. She/they. Scicomm PhD student. Into architecture, typography, bikes, cats, making stuff…
#sip24 people, anyone got an adapter for HDMI to USB-c I could borrow for the last session? #macuser
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My thoughts on v the University of Auckland. The judgment, which finds in favour of Siouxsie, strengthens academic freedom in New Zealand, but highlights problems with Auckland's management that its VC seems reluctant to accept.
The Siouxsie Wiles judgment should be a wake-up call for New Zealand’s 'The fact she had to take her university to court to force it to take her concerns seriously should trigger some serious soul-searching.'
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It took me a while to find legal opinion on the importance of Siouxsie’s case against the UoA VC but this one seems rather useful for us all to absorb, given current discourse:
Avatar great #sip24 talk, thanks 💚 Where I'm from (NZ) transdisciplinary practice is having a moment ♻️ Thought I'd share my own (basic) mash-up on the 'what is interdisciplinary practice' topic (from the POV of me, a designer, trying to get my head around it)
Tasty | Jo Bailey: making good Wondering what the differences are between crossdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary practice or approaches to research? This post helps explain in simple terms, an...
A relief:vindication of in her case against UoA. VC Freshwater should resign over this, it shows huge failures of leadership #scicomm #academicfreedom #wilesvsUoA 💚
Judgement in full for those interested in reading it…
Kowtow sale is not worth the queue this year—saving you a long wait!
Ok about to fly Ōtautahi to Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Wish me luck for aurora sightings!
Final paperwork hurdle. Or rather, digital file uploaded to MyQuals 😂 I am no longer a student and I am Dr Jo, whoop!
Nine day Spelling Bee ‘genius’ streak 💪🐝
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“The Google results are links to pages that scraped other pages for information from other pages scraped for information. All sources link back to one another. There is no origin. The Airbnb charges you a $150 cleaning fee, but insists the place be left spotless.”
Heat Death of the Internet - takahē You want to order from a local restaurant, but you need to download a third-party delivery app, even though you plan to pick it up yourself. The prices and menu on the app are different to what you sa...
Wellington council building consent fees to install wall insulation in one wall would be about $1400. It’ll cost less to do the work 😵‍💫 I know *why* it’s consentable, but it’s a massive disincentive. Have any councils made it a minor works consent with a streamlined process?
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It would be great if citizen journalists could photograph some Destiny Church vandals being arrested for the Church’s Wikipedia article, it needs pics. Hit me up if you need help with the open licensing.
Post PhD defence adrenaline surge exhaustion and brain fog setting in! Today I have locked my bike lock to a rack (but not to my bike on the other end), put the plastic lid of my food scraps pot into the compost bin and sent barely comprehensible emails. Roll on long weekend! #HappyButTired
Double win day! Defended my PhD with no changes required and made genius on NYT Spelling Bee without any hints 🎉🐝🧩👑
PhD ✅
Congratulations to (Dr Jo Bailey!) who just defended her PhD thesis which was accepted with NO CHANGES! Our first school of Science in Society PhD at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington 🥂 🎉
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… as NZ shares a head of state with the UK, we might consider this tactic. weren’t it for the high incidence of bacteria in ponds and a forthcoming drive to privatise water supplies.
The King of England lies dying and one of his sons has been exiled. A princess has vanished. Plague stalks the land and the Treasury has been plundered. NOW is the time for strange women lying in ponds to distribute swords to form the basis of government.
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Under the Education and Training Act 2020 NZ universities are required to act as 'a critic and conscience of society'. A senior government minister publicly announcing plans for retribution against an academic because they don't like the opinions expressed by them is deeply troubling and sinister.
Still blown away by Luxon’s ‘I’m entitled’ position on the housing allowance he claimed (the first prime minister in at least 34 years to take the subsidy), while poor people claiming their entitlements aka benefits are a drain on society? Geez the level of National’s ‘entitlement’ is off the scale
Yet actually Jan, you’re making it ‘irreparable’ #masseydeathspiral Making Massey ‘irreplaceable’
Hey Wellingtonians, #NewWorld Willis Street is trialing facial recognition—this is deeply not ok imho.
Here's the sign I photographed at New World Metro Willis Street (Wellington) on 12 January.
Realised after the original deadline (but just before the extended one!) that Science in Public is back for 2024, and stoked to get an abstract in today 🤞 It's my favourite #scicomm community #scienceinpublic
Science in Public 2024 - University of Birmingham, 8-10 Science in Public 2024
Ugh calling #cycleways ‘vanity projects’ Is so far off the mark Kerry Prendegast, they’re a basic necessity In this day and age
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Have whānau heading to uni/polytech soon? Make sure they know they can get free meningococcal B and (if it's their first time in halls/flatting) ACWY vaccines. But only til 28 Feb so get in now! Let's boot this awful and potentially fatal disease off our campuses this year
It’s taken me a week to not quite finish painting one side of my house and I’ve been loving it. So nice after a near burnout December to feel sunny and do something very in the moment 😎 🌻🎨🏠
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OUR EBIKES WERE STOLEN OVERNIGHT!!! From Fairfield, Kirikiriroa. These bikes are very distinctive, borderline unique. If you see anything that looks like one or other of them PLEASE reply to me. And also please report this as wide & far as possible (good chance they're in another town/city by now)
West coast measles 🦟🦶
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National's plan for the Cook Strait Ferry revealed #nzpol
#eqnz rattle here in island bay