Oliver L

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Oliver L


just setting up my bsky
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Got the 2nd 2024 Corporate donation to NZLII this weekend. Again it was not from a law firm. Please NZ lawyers, legal firms and Barristers, can you possibly support NZLII? We regularly hear that 'Law Firms use NZLII all the time' - so please help us. Free still costs to produce
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Reposted byAvatar Oliver L
This is insane.
I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
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"Pennington says Rocket Lab is planning to send a satellite up next year to have a test fight against another satellite." I'm deeply uncomfortable with Aotearoa being used to launch weapons. America's space wars are our space wars newsroom.co.nz/2024/07/12/a...
America's space wars are our space warsnewsroom.co.nz Today on the Detail podcast: The US is rallying its allies to back it up in a battle straight out of science fiction – a war in space.
"Digital health advocates are concerned the health system may remain stuck in the 20th century, relying on paper records and phone calls for information-sharing rather than an integrated digital system after the Government cut $381 million in planned digital investment in the Budget in May."
$381m Budget cut could trap health system in 20th centurynewsroom.co.nz Programmes to share health information between hospitals, GPs and specialists have been scrapped or put on ice due to funding cuts, writes Marc Daalder.
The first step is to separate Interislander into another company which doesn't care about rail.
Having cancelled iReX, I really wonder if this government will try to sell off Interislander. A private owner would have Kiwirail's freight business over a barrel. It'd cement road freight's supremacy for decades.
Ministerial group advises KiwiRail no longer run Cook Strait ferrieswww.1news.co.nz The group was set up after the Government declined KiwiRail's bid for more funding for the mega ferry project iRex.
I love* charity funding bodies whose grant criteria do not allow grants for "operating costs." I understand it's nice to be able to show they funded a "project" that achieved something additional, but these policies do nothing to build a sustainable charity sector. *do not love
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"Costello also failed to supply the Ombudsman with information he required for his investigation." That's actually a crime (s30(b) OA via s29 OIA). The penalty is trivial, but a prosecution may encourage les autres.
Reposted byAvatar Oliver L
The ICO has issued an Enforcement Notice to the MetPolice due to its persistent failure to meet legal FOI deadlines. The ICO has now taken action against 10 of the 44 police forces in E&W&NI, 23% of them, due to non-compliance with FOI. For a sector meant to uphold the law, this record is appalling.
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I was in a court of law, reading out posts calling for my execution, posts about how how Arps was preparing his oven for me, and yet I was not able to get legal protection
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I changed my KiwiSaver to Simplicity years ago, on the basis of their promise to invest ethically, nō reira am appalled to discover tis not the case. There’s no place in Aotearoa for any person or business complicit in, profiteering from, or in any way aiding the genocide & apartheid of Palestinians
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Reposted byAvatar Oliver L
This is quite possibly the best #MapsWithoutNewZealand I’ve ever seen (via www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/...)
I'm in a meeting where I keep hearing about "the Keith Ng to remember." @keithng.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Oliver L
Every UK outlet is using the phrase "Labour landslide," implying a major shift towards Labour. It's not true. 2019 (Corbyn) Labour votes: 10,269,051 2024 (Starmer) Labour votes: 9,650,254 (99.69% counted) A stunning result, but for a different reason than the news is implying.
ThreeNews is a new news programme produced by Stuff which is to air on TV3 from 6 July 2024. Not to be confused with 3 News, a news programme produced by TV3, renamed Newshub in 2016, and disestablished on 5 July 2024.
"Social Investment Agency" is a new standalone government department established 1 July 2024. Not to be confused with "Social Investment Agency," a departmental agency hosted within the (then) SSC from 2017, renamed Social Wellbeing Agency in 2020, and disestablished on 1 July 2024. Clear?
As widely expected, conservatives have won re-election to government in the UK.
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Reposted byAvatar Oliver L
Corbyn re-elected as an independent. Fuck you, Keir Starmer. #Torygeddon
Israel must release all its hostages.
In November, Israel arrested Mohammad Abu Salmiya on the claim that he facilitated the use of Al-Shifa as a "Hamas HQ". This was served to the west and Israeli public as justification for the storming and massacres in the hospital complex. After 7 months of torture, he was released without charges.
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Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
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Is she calling for Māori to violently force Pākehā into enclaves, create the conditions for famine and then drop 70,000 tons of bombs on us?
My hoas! Apparently we’re looking at this all wrong and decades of brutal occupation, dehumanisation, violent displacement, torture and wholesale slaughter committed with glee, makes for “an inspiring example of what decolonisation looks like”
Reposted byAvatar Oliver L
Statement from MFAT on the NZ government’s objection this afternoon to Israel ‘legalising’ settlements in the West Bank.
Got that wrong. Erica Stanford is now the "Lead Coordination Minister for the Government’s Response to the Royal Commission’s Report into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions." Get yer diffs around the right way, Oliver.
Charter School Agency (yes, singular school) doesn't have a website, but has a domain which redirects to Ministry of Education and an email address. Despite not even having a chief executive yet, as far as I know. They're doing better than Ministry for Regulation did. It helps having a host agency.
Charter School Agency was established on 1 July. You can make public OIA requests to them through our service.
Charter School Agency - view and make Official Information requestsfyi.org.nz
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