
AI-generated art (if you wanna call it that) is like Google Glass and the Metaverse. It’s not that most people don’t want it in their lives, they actually actively despise it. It’s a product that generates feelings of loathing rather than delight; dismay rather than joy.
I really thought, in the big build up to the announcement, it was gonna be a jetpack. I could never forgive the Segway for so bitterly disappointing me.
Yes, same. I think most people felt that way. An overpriced scooter!
I was a good idea and a decent product, but the way is was launched did not fit the reality.
Very true, but also the reality was guys with more money than sense riding up the middle of a sidewalk like they'd bought the sidewalk, or flocks of tourists scattering sidewalk pedestrians like toddlers running through pigeons or sometimes blocking street traffic.
If Segway had gone with a small launch as a labor-saver for warehouse workers or something, probably would've been great. But it wasn't just billed as universe-changing, it was billed as universe-changing and then put to the most assholish applications possible.
which, same with AI right now. And before it, VR, AR, etc
Absolutely. Its greatest application is for aiding warehouse picker with a secondary application of mall cop transport. Too bulky for American sidewalks.
I remember being real intrigued and interested, as I was really into science fiction. My imagination went wild. Instead we got a spectacular let down.
They said it was going to *replace walking* so I think a letdown was inevitable with that kind of hype.
Replacing walking so then what, we go to the gym to do it on treadmills instead? Or just get heart disease? Also there was the Soylent craze that was gonna replace eating Replace accounting, love it. But they wanna do art, writing, walking, eating... STOP TRYING TO REPLACE THE GOOD BITS YOU IDIOTS
They are NEVER gonna replace accounting.
I think the biggest letdown was when the inventor died by accidentally letting himself fall off a cliff while riding one. What a way to go, tho.
I always remember this one guy whose view of the Segway was sortof akin to the way many of us today view the Kidcrusher 3000 pickup trucks. They invited him to a demo to prove him wrong, so he got on one and started 'driving' full-tilt into the folding chairs, sending them tumbling across the room
What's really wild is the segway tech is pretty much what's used in hoverboards today, which are EVERYWHERE