April Daniels

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April Daniels


Author of Dreadnought, Sovereign, and a forthcoming third book.

Trans, PDX, cranky
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Since some of you dork-ass losers need to have a sexy WWII analogy to give a shit, let's have it from some Soviet historians:
What's this kind of ceiling called?
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
easy to chalk the stuff in france up to some vague platitude about ~voting~ but it feels to me like more proof that you have to give people something to vote FOR, and that socialism remains better equipped to beat fascism than liberalism does! just one gal’s opinion
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Our entire national political media is just a guy in a hot dog suit asking questions in a menswear store
"The preliminary results upended widespread predictions of a clear victory for the National Rally," says the NYT just now. Wait, who made these predictions of a massive victory for the National Rally again? Oh yeah, these guys did:
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Thanks to @seananmcguire.bsky.social I'm now several chapters into book two. @aprildaniels.bsky.social tells a hell of a tale.
Just finished DREADNOUGHT by @aprildaniels.bsky.social. What a brilliant barn burner of a book. I'm ordering the second volume immediately, and anxious to do the same with the third.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
I miss the Sci-Fi channel. "SyFy" is bullshit. It's demeaning.
Make a band meatier Green Eggs & Ham Day
Make a band meatier Einstürzende Sauerbraten
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Man i have been saying for a minute that voters everywhere are rejecting fascist shit and it’s only the media that makes us think otherwise, but it’s nice to see that in play right now
LRT If Biden's got to go, then it's got to be Harris. She's the VP, she's the heir apparent, she's the known quantity he's already endorsed for four years by having her on his ticket.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
look - I'm receptive to both "no, it's gotta be him" arguments and "he's gotta step aside" arguments. not to be wishy-washy but both arguments have merit. "then we do a tourney" is OTOH flatly hilarious. yeah that'll go great. there will much much unity in the wake of the electoral deathmatch
To save democracy, the Democratic party may resort to deploying the greatest concept of all time: a political version of the NBA In-Season Tournament
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Yes, I absolutely do think over half the country cares about having their basic human rights taken away by a bunch of authoritarian freaks. For Christ’s sake, Project 2025 calls for banning PORN. We can get voters mad about this.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
From William Earl’s review of the apparently awful new Kevin Costner western, a little masterpiece of a paragraph: variety.com/2024/film/ne...
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
This week: raise your voice against spending on nuclear weapons. Today is the 7th anniversary of the adoption of the UN-Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, on 7/7/2017. #nukesky
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
The media being stenographers for their rich owners who don't want to pay more in taxes is reminding me of NETWORK when Howard Beale started boring his audience spouting the ideology of his boss Arthur Jensen.
Wow, it's weird how the media narrative of a far right populist wave keeps crashing against reality in every country that actually requires them to win a majority of votes to take power
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
SOCIAL MURDER is a term used to describe murder committed by the … elite where they knowingly permit conditions where the poorest and most vulnerable in society are deprived of the necessities of life and are placed in a position in which … will inevitably meet an early & unnatural death.
Woo! Go France, go! 🇫🇷
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
This is super important work. And it looks like it's actually having an effect. Normal people learn about Project 2025 and are scared as shitless as they should be. The Nation, The New Republic, Rolling Stone, Boston Review and others are doing the work that NYT and WaPo are neglecting.
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this. www.bostonreview.net/articles/ins... www.mediamatters.org/project-2025
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Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
This is particularly important to understand because Trumpist authoritarianism is the descendent of Jim Crow far more than say Hitler or Pinochet or Orban, and it's going to look a lot more like 1930s Mississippi than 1930s Berlin.
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
This is the BEST West Wing trivia I have ever seen. A+
Today I learned that Fawn Hall, the Ollie North assistant who helped him shred documents related to Iran-Contra, attended Jack Lemmon's 1988 AFI Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony with her date, Rob Lowe. What a world.
If I slide into your DMs, the moment of truth has arrived and you will not long survive.
If I slide in your DMs, just know all the other ways I’ve tried to reach you about extending your vehicle’s warranty were unsuccessful
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
@seananmcguire.bsky.social's recommendation thread made me seek this book out instantly and I'm so glad I did. @aprildaniels.bsky.social tells an amazing story here, and there's a scene in particular that made me cry as I recognized an experience the MC was having as one I had a couple years ago.
Just finished DREADNOUGHT by @aprildaniels.bsky.social. What a brilliant barn burner of a book. I'm ordering the second volume immediately, and anxious to do the same with the third.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
I don't take the age thing seriously. THEY PICK A LIE ABOUT EVERY DEM, and the press knows it's some BS but plays along. They know that the other guy is worse in every way, especially his brain. They turned being a war hero into a liability against a fortunate son draft dodger.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
This is the whole story.
I mean, I look at the structural stuff, not the narrative here. The polls have barely moved, Trump has no money, and Biden has a huge war chest and time booked. Why let the panic of a few people- largely driven by people that already don’t like Biden- shape what I’m thinking here?
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
trump was an incoherent manchild in 2016 and it didn't matter then, either. a TV debate isn't about stating values, it's a pure aesthetic experience of looking at the guys, like a dog pageant. they put a pale, tired, mouth breathing guy onscreen next to a hopping red faced guy, and here we are.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
Reposted byAvatar April Daniels
Biden is not owed good press by a long shot. But the amount of coverage his age is receiving relative to that of Trump's very real past and promised future actions strikes me as one of the greatest media mis-prioritizations since the run-up to the Iraq War.