
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
“They’re enthusiastically daydreaming about attacking the press and holding military tribunals for political enemies because they know it appeals to their base. They wouldn’t actually do this, even though they want to and laid out a plan of how they can achieve it and how nothing can stop them.”
"LOL you think they're gonna do what they explicitly say they're gonna do"
Such a rube. Trust me. I have a big political galaxy brain. You have to be able to see the game. It’s all in between the lines. Look at you taking everything literal, bless your heart
And so on and so on and so on. I’ve been following the presidential election process since nineteen hundred and sixty-eight (what a year!), and one thing I know for sure is that no one truly knows until the final count. No one.
Aside from the obvious, the big problem for me is that I've done such a great job of curating my internet experience that I don't personally know anyone that says this crap to rub their nose in it.
That sounds wise and healthy
Why yes I am totally both of those things and you should absolutely feel no urge to look any deeper
Don't sell yourself short, that's a big one
Same. I abandoned facebook after the Cambridge Analytica stuff came to light. Went no contact with my mom during the pandemic because I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to listen to anymore stupid bullshit & vitriol. I ceded the extended family to he, so have no one left to "I told you so."
Wow, that's fantastic news, congratulations! No facebook, no crummy parent, no exhausting family.... no seriously, your life sounds like it's improving
"Relax, they're not actually going to do it," shouts a nearby voice as the firing squad takes aim.
"You're overreacting ugh. No one is out to get you." Meanwhile they fucking banned trans people in half of America and constantly joke about killing us all. While pushing for more horrible shit. The reassurances of the privileged don't change reality for the underprivileged.
the solution isn't to vote for someone to continue to let the bad shit happen, it's to fucking destroy the heritage foundation
Start by putting the people funding them in a bright, ugly spotlight like this:
Wtf the Gleason foundation!!?? They're supposed to be fighting ALS, not promoting fascism. Good to know not to support them.
I feel like these folks need to be confronted by the press, in the street, whatever. I REALLY want to hear someone ask them who the fuck they think they are.
"do your donors know that you're sending their money to promote fascism, instead of research vs ALS? What would your largest donors say?" Kinda makes me wonder if some of this is laundering money--heritage gives to Gleason, they give it back to heritage, they both look like they have more donors.
This is why CharityWatch exists
But maybe some of them need to be called up, and called out, and if it's a charitable foundation definitely we need to get on their asses, question their status, just get UGLY. This needs to be about the people with the MONEY who are running it.
Wait, I just realized this is different from the ALS one, that's Team Gleason out of LA, not the Gleason Foundation in CA
Apparently they're some pro-charter school bullshit org, so not the one fighting to help people with ALS
Oh thank you! Sorry for the team Gleason slander. I'm glad it was my mistake
Not funny part is those reveling in watching any of it don't seem to read about how Hitler purged members of his own party.
What exactly is the rationale behind ignoring a party's explicit agenda for when and if they take power?
There is a huge difference in Fear Mongering, and in shedding light. Telling us there is a caravan making its way through Mexico with intentions to harm and destroy is fear mongering
like seriously, what happened to this
And the sleeper hit of 2016, “They’re just fearmongering about the Supreme Court!”
When people try to tell me I am over-reacting I respond with "And Roe v Wade is settle law, right?"
Good that you are concerned about this election, and democracy, and tyranny, and the threat to America, the Republic and our climate. Meanwhile Biden:
Yeah, that was a terrible answer
It's not fearmongering if it's already actually in motion in school boards, city Halls, SCOTUS and institutions across the country. Anyone that's actually read project 2025 knows that. People that say it's fearmongering have either never read it or support it, one or the other.
Also, SCOTUS is laying the groundwork for the next GOP president with the immunity and chevron rulings to really get Project 2025 rolling! Scary!
It's so much more than just book banning and putting bible study in public schools or reversing every civil, women's, LGBTQ2S+ and individual rights gained in the last 100+ years. It's turning back time to continue a civil war from 100s of years ago. It's Christian National Fascism for Plutocrats.
And the all time hit 'they're only fearmongering about stacking the supreme court"
Yep. They've been doing that since 2015 and I'm tired of talking to walls.
liberals , the biggest problem in every country.
“Well, actually, they didn’t really give Trump immunity”
I'm going to console myself in supposing, hoping, since he ISN'T currently in the office right now... if he pulls the same shit, he could be held accountable. (... not that I think he will be.)
Project 2025 is their fucking blueprint
Remind me again, when have they told the truth about anything? It's been a while, I think. If someone keeps lying to you to get you not to impede them from getting what they want, maybe you should stop believing them.
In the UK people were repeatedly told that those warning Brexit would be a disaster were touting ‘project fear’. We now have things much much worse than ‘project fear’ ever suggested.
we should be very afraid of monstrous people like that