
I insist that the voters are right -- they are unmoved and so am I. NYT opinion writers, on the other hand...
Happy to the see vaunted Gray Lady become the Leningrad intelligentsia though
This would be more convincing if the voters were unmoved from a stance where Biden was actually winning
I agree. When your incumbent presidential candidate is down 2 points on average one week after a bad debate performance in June, the only reasonable thing to do is push them out and replace them in a brokered convention
2nd and 12, time to throw a Hail Mary
(no i'm not still mad, why do you ask...)
2nd and 12 early in the 3rd quarter even
If you’re taking the temperature exclusively through polling top lines you’re gonna have a bad time.
There's been a weird tone to media personalities substituting what they seem to think about the election into, "what the voters think," as if that's actually able to figured out at this point. It's cool that they're in possession of some voter divining rod.
Earlier this week he was saying he knew better than us because he worked at the nyt and his uncle works for Nintendo and they know things we don't. Really think he should pick just 1 of these arguments.
It's all just his anxiety talking. Same with most of these guys. Biden may lose, but there's no One Weird Trick you can pull in July to ensure a Dem ends up in office
Every One Weird Trick I've seen floated seem more likely to ensure a Trump victory. The only way to win is to win, so stop trying to convince us to play a different game we're worse at!