
There are a lot of things people are taking as given in this Biden discourse which aren't obviously true. One I haven't seen discussed much is the idea that the NYT can even swing an election anymore
They definitely fucked Hillary. But that's been widely discussed in the last 8 years, and maybe people have learned their lesson. Especially since we're talking about possibly swinging the election to the same fascist ass.
Learn a lesson? In *this* infosphere?
I dunno. AG Sulzberger seems to have his thin fingers on top of every article about Biden. I dumped subscription after forty years of reading the NYT.
It's a lovely thought but my experience indicates no. With the caveat that this is ofc anecdata. I still get thoroughly reviled for the slightest mention of having been a Hillary Clinton supporter, and/or for liking her now. Nobody has learned anything from her having been right about everything.
Honestly feels like part of their obvious frustration. The interesting to me is how much Trump’s “black jobs” comment played on TikTok vs how it wasn’t a thing in the NYT.
The media landscape has changed a lot in the last 8 years. One not insignificant development is that it's actually a lot harder to read the New York Times than it used to be!
They're the wordle company now. Their news operation is increasingly irrelevant
I'm not sure the NYT can swing an election alone. I am sure it can be a powerful factor in the swinging of an election.
If it could swing an election, wouldn’t we be on like our eighth consecutive Dem term?