
What I see are a lot of people who will ultimately vote for Biden despairing that a bunch of people they don't know won't vote for Biden because he's old and had a bad debate, with none of that pessimism born out in the data
He had a bad debate in June and dropped two points in the polls. Get a fucking grip
Remember when Trump was doomed by the Access Hollywood tapes? Me too. Show some humility when it comes to predicting outcomes in *July*
We used to call this “concern trolling” in forum discussions and rightly discount it, but somehow it’s become an acceptable form of argument.
It would be good to have a candidate who was able to confidently communicate the policies and goals of the administration. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think It would help. But you know whatever, a W is a W. 🤷‍♂️
They won’t vote for Biden because the NYT is dedicating 3/4 of its campaign coverage to portraying Biden as a walking corpse, and utterly ignoring Trump’s debacles. It’s Her Emails 2: The Revenge.