
There are "change" elections and there are "please don't fuck my life up" elections and I think 2024 is definitely in the latter category and if Biden really isn't getting hurt by the bad debate performance, that's why.
my pitch to undecided voters: extremely old and weary Joe Brandon seeing the promised land (country where you don't have to hear about Donald Trump every day) even though he won't live long enough to get there himself:
Anyway I think the danger for swapping Harris or someone else in is that (if you are a low info voter) you can observe that Biden is currently President and your life is not getting fucked up, whereas who knows what another Dem you know nothing about would do
There are "change" elections and there are "please don't fuck my life up" elections and I think 2024 is definitely in the latter category and if Biden really isn't getting hurt by the bad debate performance, that's why.
There's been a weird backlash where there are a lot of people openly saying positive things about the Biden administration for the first time out of sudden fear that Trump is gonna win!
Maybe I’m biased as a partisan but the more distance from the debate the more i think bidens fine and the reaction was leftover 2016 trauma, everyone’s displacing their trump anxiety onto Biden. Trump took toxic positions on abortion and jan 6. Tiktok is mocking him saying “black jobs”
It might just be “controversy gets you in the news cycle”. It has worked wonders for Trump!