John Penny

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John Penny

You can't pay me what I'm worth - I don't work that cheap
*wipes tears away after watching speech in Downing Street* I thought this Starmer fella was supposed to be boring
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Reposted byAvatar John Penny
Today is National Mummy Didn't Make My Labour Party The Way I Wanted It Day. Just vote, you can have pudding in heaven.
Reposted byAvatar John Penny
Another good piece on the wrong-headedness of FFB campaign against book festivals - the publishing industry equivalent of throwing paint on a Van Gogh (has no impact whatsoever on the fossil fuel industries, serves only to damage something other people enjoyed)
Book festival activists are making absurd demands over Baillie Gifford | Nils Insistence on investment purity misses the point and will only lead to a decline in arts sponsorship
Reposted byAvatar John Penny
Becoming more and more irritable about the private school VAT thing. I pay VAT on my glasses, which I literally need to see (but equally, I concede, I did not need to spend a three figure sum on some Oliver Peoples' frames). Is that class war?
Just musing to myself how absolutely insane the Telegraph articles on this will be after another five weeks of campaigning if this is where they are at already
Reposted byAvatar John Penny
"I have called a general election by mistake"
Reposted byAvatar John Penny
Lots of hardline rhetoric from Starmer this morning about small boats. But read it closely and you can see the clear outline of a rational policy: Ending Rwanda. Processing the claims
Labour is inching towards the right small boats Ignore the noise: The right compromises are being made and the wrong ones are being avoided.
Reposted byAvatar John Penny
Almost as if Brexit was a fraudulent prospectus that, once enacted, was bound to disappoint the people who voted for it and reinforce the resentment of people who didn't. Remarkable.
In today's YouGov poll the Tories are third amongst Leave voters: Reform 32% Labour 28% Tories 27% And also third amongst Remain voters: Labour 56% Lib Dem 13% Tories 11%
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Remember, the political parties are not the same. If you think Labour are the same as the Conservatives you are the wanker here.
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Neighbourhood watch
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The King of England lies dying and one of his sons has been exiled. A princess has vanished. Plague stalks the land and the Treasury has been plundered. NOW is the time for strange women lying in ponds to distribute swords to form the basis of government.
Reposted byAvatar John Penny
Just in case anyone's got nothing better to do on the first Sunday of the year ...
End of feed.