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Livros, banda desenhada, filmes, jogos, ilustração, música; Ficção científica, fantasia; Alentejo, comes e bebes, etc. Isto são interesses, e não actividades.
The nominees for the 2024 Ursula K Le Guin Award. Another stacked list - read one book so far (excellent), will read two others during the summer, and the others all all intriguing. Congratulations to the nominees! This award is becoming really cool. It does justice to Ursula K Le Guin.
We're delighted to announce — with help from Electric Literature — the shortlist for the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction. Congratulations to the authors! The recipient of this year's prize will be announced on Ursula's birthday, October 21st.
Should have been at least second. (The Left Hand of Darkness is one of my favourite books, but Frankenstein as #1 is a very good choice)
The Left Hand of Darkness comes in at #6 in Esquire's updated list of the 75 best science fiction books of all time
The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All See if your favorites made our expanded list.
I don't understand the premise. My ever-growing personal library has moved with me from house to house, and will move with me into the next one (whenever and wherever that may be). My books, if I may say so, always spark joy.
When you move, what do you do with all those books? There are still plenty of people who might want to read your used books.
So I did finish the book. "Meet Us By the Roaring Sea" by Akil Kumarasamy is a powerful, moving novel about many things - grief and memory stand out, at least for me - against a backdrop of believable near-future science fiction. Not an easy book, but definitely a worthy, beautifully-written one.
I'm envious of anyone that gets to read A Wizard of Earthsea for the first time now. What an incredible book. Today I'll be finishing "Meet Us By the Roaring Sea", by Akil Kumarasamy. A beautiful book so far.
Well, Southern Europe keeps the caneco! PIGS for the win!
haha understandable but listen, if Spain wins, the streak of only Southern European teams winning the Euro continues 😎
Reposted byAvatar joão
Winner gets Gibraltar
The best portuguese SFF convention is returning in September! And with this gorgeous poster to get things started!
Descobrir pessoas famosas noutros círculos através dos seus obituários é sempre esquisito. Mas agora fiquei curioso: terá sido Ruth Westheimer a inspiração do Herman para a personagem da Dra Rute Remédios?
Nothing beats a long wait at a public service - say, the tax office, social security desk, or a hospital - to finally push through that book I was enjoying whenever I wasn't too exhausted from work to pick it up and read it.
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek.
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Today I write about "The Saint of Bright Doors" by I'm afraid my still rusty writing is not really conveying how incredible the book is. No matter how we look at it - the setting, the characters, the world-building, the prose -, it's challenging and utterly brilliant. [blog in Portuguese]
Will still need some time to collect my thoughts on "The Saint of Bright Doors", and to put them into writing, but for now now all I can say is: what an incredible debut, ! The ending twists almost made me fall out of the bed while reading. Will be looking forward your next books!
Sobreiro Mecâ The Saint of Bright Doors “The moment Fetter is born, Mother-of-Glory pins his shadow to the earth with a large brass nail and tears it from him. This is his first memory, the seed of many hours of...
A escreveu um livro, e vai lançá-lo na próxima Terça-feira, 16 de Julho, em Lisboa! É ir, que a autora é simpática e os contos são daqueles de meter medo! (no bom sentido, entenda-se). Lá nos veremos, Rita!
Lovely to see and hear this afternoon here in Lisbon in a bookstore fully packed (too bad my phone's camera zoom is really crappy these days). It was a lively conversation about her books, writing, translations, the importance of libraries, and bears (!).
Very good questions raised here. Seeing journalism falling into the same bullshit again... I mean, the first time can be chalked up as naivety, but the second time has to be intentional.
Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
Holy crap, I wasn't remembering this quote. So Adams was basically foreseeing Trump..!
Decided just now to start rereading Hitchhikers Guide for the first time in many years and uh
With some delay, here's a recent blog entry about WipEout, a videogame that brings me a lot of fond memories, and whose story is being published in a book. I really like this kind of niche, physical journalism on videogames, as it does a lot to keep the its memory alive. [blog in Portuguese]
Sobreiro Mecâ WipEout: da consola ao livroSe tivesse de fazer uma breve lista dos videojogos da minha vida, WipEout estaria muito perto do topo. Vou sempre lamentar nunca ter conseguido encontrar e comprar o...
This is spot on. And it reminds me that it's been a while since I read PKD. Should definitely go back to the short stories and novels one of these days, to see if they hit differently and they did 10 to 15 years ago.
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
This is the book, by the way - it's a gorgeous hardcover edition. Can't wait to read PJ's thoughts and stories that ended up shaping her brilliant latest LP.
The postman just delivered a book and now I feel like ditching work, sink into the couch and read it from end to end.
The postman just delivered a book and now I feel like ditching work, sink into the couch and read it from end to end.
Congratulations,! This is so deserved! "The Saint of Bright Doors" is an incredible book. Been thinking about it a lot lately. Really looking forward to "Rakesfall". If all goes well (meaning:if it's delivered in time) I'll read it during my summer holidays.
THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS won the Locus Award for first novel *and* got a shoutout from Booker winner Shehan Karunatilaka. And RAKESFALL has been out in the world for five whole days!
The Saint of Bright Doors Wins the Locus First Novel SAINT wins the Locus first novel award; Lammys for Palestine; and more.
If the page is correct, this should premiere in Lisbon in August... Crossing my fingers for it to be true, and for at least one screening with subtitles!
Tickets for Coraline in August worldwide are now on sale at! If you can, see it in 3D. Trust me on this.
Coraline 15th Anniversary - Fathom Other Upcoming Events
Ordered mine through a local online bookstore, it should arrive just in time for my summer holidays!
can’t wait to get into this
Today I went back 20 years and listened to System of a Down. I don't know how long it's been, but these songs still sound so good. Should track down those LP one of these days.
On my current phone there are still hundreds of mp3 songs that I downloaded more than a decade ago, and that I still listen often. My previous laptop's disk holds perhaps thousands of mp3 songs and a few dozen films. With some effort, I may even find there the old MSN Messenger chat logs...
And, weirdly, this same group of people are also the ones who also learned how to preserve their media the same way. Not *only* do they still talk to a person they met on ICQ 25 years ago, but they still have the same rip of a movie they pirated then too, or such.
As someone who joined Bluesky as I was turning 38, I feel seen. This whole thread is so true. My generation was pretty much caught in the middle of the transition between the analogic and the digital world. Sometimes I feel I belong to both - and sometimes to neither.
This is probably part of why everyone on bluesky is 38 years old: 38 year olds are basically the only people who consider it totally normal to flee a sinking ship and then just casually resume the conversation on the tropical island they end up on. They've outlived dozens of ships.
No book has changed my life as much as Joan D. Vinge's "The Snow Queen". At 16 or 17 it showed me the endless possibilities of literary science fiction. I don't know what my life would be like today without it, but I'm sure I'd have way fewer books on my shelves. [blog in Portuguese] #booksky
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 1/20 #booksky
Sobreiro Mecâ Booksky #1: The Snow Queen, de Joan D. VingeNa Bluesky surgiu há umas semanas um desafio literário: escolher 20 livros que nos tenham influenciado, e publicar as capas respectivas - sem explicações,.....
Reposted byAvatar joão
I love a bit of good literary fiction. But I have read bad literary fiction too, and it is every bit as bad as bad SF or bad crime but lacks the redeeming qualities of stuff going fwoosh. The idea that lit fic as a genre is superior to other genres is barely even a respectable marketing conceit.