
Exciting boring update in Trump trial—the jury has a note!
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The jury note contains 4 requests: (1) David Pecker testimony regarding phone convo during investor meeting, (2) Pecker Testimony related to McDougal's life rights agreement, (3) Pecker testimony regarding Trump Tower meeting, and (4) Cohen testimony regarding Trump Tower meeting (via Anna Bower)
Kyle Cheney jumps on the speculation train early, but why not: "Apply all the caveats here, but first instinct is this is not welcome news for Trump. Prosecutors spent a lot of their lengthy close focusing on value of Pecker's testimony. This is the roadmap they asked jurors to follow."
SECOND JURY NOTE: "We the jury request to rehear the judge's instructions." (via Anna Bower, Lawfare)
Judge Merchan asks if the laptop the jurors were given containing exhibits into evidence has Wi-Fi access. When told that it does, he asks if the Wi-Fi can be disabled. (via Anna Bower)
How does that happen? Or was the answer yes because all laptops have WiFi and it may have actually been off/disabled? Maybe this is just my private sector IT perspective, but laptops can be locked down in so many ways, it’s silly to me to think they could accidentally give them one with WiFi. 😂
From my NY government IT perspective, attorneys lose their minds when there’s no wifi. There are also additional bits of security that I won’t get into for obvious reasons.
The attorney’s, sure, but isn’t this like a courthouse owned laptop that was issued? I would think those would be generally locked down with some limited way to transfer just the evidence the jury should have available to them. IANAL. If it wasn’t obvious. 😂
I’m definitely also not a lawyer! But the court is part of the NYS unified court system, which is part of the government, so I’m semi-assuming that there are similar policies - wifi is available but there are other security hurdles in place.
Gotcha. Perhaps a VERY comprehensive block list or something. Makes sense but at the same time I just assume someone is tasked with doing these things generally and I’m surprised when I find out that, eh, maybe not. 😂
I haven’t personally tested the filters on gov networks, but they do seem to be pretty comprehensive!
And it turns out this was all moot because the laptop didn’t have wifi.