
Dr. Katharine Dickson
Dr. Katharine Dickson
Postdoc @ Hess Lab @ UC Davis. Taking methane out of cow burps with microbiome engineering at the bench and poking at ag climate policy away from it. Not a friend to the fatalists. 私は日本語が下手です。Opinions my own. Bluesky’s first Anaerobic Fungi Guru. She/her.
Jenny Hayes
Jenny Hayes
Seattle writer, former '80s Berkeley teenager. (she/her)
Thomas Kesteman🦠🧫🔬🌏
Thomas Kesteman🦠🧫🔬🌏
Clinical microbiology in LMIC & ID Epidemiology. Dyed-in-the-wool optimist. All views my own, but I share because sharing is caring. (he/him/his)
Chris Galdieri
Chris Galdieri
Political scientist; NH politics; carpetbagging; pop culture

Author, “Stranger in a Strange State” and “Donald Trump and New Hampshire Politics”
Abish Stephen
Abish Stephen
Microbiologist at QMUL.

Passionate about guitars, motorsport and cricket. #bikerlife

Views my own.
Frank van Leth
Frank van Leth
Epidemiologist. Intersection methodology, infectious diseases and social science. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Head section International Health, department Health Sciences. Vice-director Amsterdam Public Health research institute.
James Edwards
Associate Professor at Peninsula Medical School. Interests: microbiology, teaching, learning, HE
Res ipsa locutus of borg
Res ipsa locutus of borg
Civil rights lawyer in the south. Opinions are product of my genes, environment, and culture.
Wabwire Rashid
Wabwire Rashid
Kakuma refugee camp is located in the northern part of Kenya,
We are the queers community here at the camp
Most of us are Ugandans who ran from there cuz of the persecution,insecurities
Help support
Eager to explore the unknown! Hope to meet like-minded friends. My views are only my own, please forgive me if I disturb you!!!
Isabel Ott
Isabel Ott
public health systems biology for vector-borne viral disease control. GMB PhD student, Matute lab, UNC: Aedes triseriatus & La Crosse encephalitis in Appalachia.
pipette jockey. cat poster. new wave fan. overseasoned virologist. #BiInSci 🏳️‍🌈 (she/her)
The open-access, MEDLINE-indexed journal of teaching and learning resources.
Haky Im
Haky Im
Statistician doing genomic data science, faculty the University of Chicago, Korean, Argentinean, American. Love kimchi, math, science, books with beautiful prose.
Dalia Mohisen
Dalia Mohisen
Software Engineering _AUG
From Palestine _Gaza
Gofundme link 🔗
H.D. Gregg
H.D. Gregg
Queer Catholic anarcho-syndicalist and anti-fascist. Registered nurse. Immigration and labor activist. IWW Chicago GMB. Casa DuPage Worker Center. #RevolutionNotElections @[email protected]
Jen the Tired RN
Jen the Tired RN
Science Nerd w/degrees in biochem, nursing. Our home is a bit of a zoo, with the cats and dog. Mom of a grown adult & unsure how that happened. Minnesotan now, but I grew up in Northern Wisconsin, so I don't do Minnesota-nice. 🏳️‍🌈
NFTs, crypto, gaming. kinda funny sometimes.
View the world with kindness, embrace challenges with courage.
Bluesky of a Yogi
Bluesky of a Yogi
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Software engineer from gaza trying to survive

Follow me on instagram
A free and romantic country,
Semi retired physician; progressive; loves to read history, wishes our leaders also did.
Adult band geek.
Aramia Tee Hui Ru
Aramia Tee Hui Ru
I am a dentist. I like hiking, traveling to learn about the customs and culture of different parts of the world. I am also a photography, painting, camping, cycling, fishing, car and golf enthusiast.she/her,
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
John Belmont
John Belmont
MD, PhD | Pediatrics | Medical Genetics | Human Genetics | Cardiovascular | Congenital | Genome Sequencing | Health Econ | Causal Inference
David Bikman
David Bikman
Autistic abolitionist. PDX, MPA: policy, policing, health and wealth through a systems science lens. I block ableism.
Paula Neils
Paula Neils
Lolly & Lulu’s Mom❤️
Steve King 🥥🌴
Steve King 🥥🌴
Politics Editor, Under The Radar Magazine

"Least factual, most accurate"

#ExPostie #ExPost
Jung Choi "not going back!"
Jung Choi "not going back!"
Retired Biology faculty from Georgia Tech. Headed up the MS Bioinformatics program until 2022. Still active as a PULSE Fellow, promoting student-centered pedagogies and departmental transformation in undergraduate life science education.
David States MD PhD
David States MD PhD
Chief Science/Medical Officer Angstrom Bio, Austin, TX COI: Our company is developing high throughput diagnostics
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
Joshua Elkington
Joshua Elkington
Michelle Cohen, MD
Michelle Cohen, MD
rural Ontario family doc | writer | Queen's Family Medicine | OMA Women Committee | she/her
A Walrus, MD. Incoming Emergency PGY-1. Excited and terrified about Residency. But Politics and Foreign Policy is important too. He/Him. Same profile on the bird app.
David Thomas
David Thomas
Cranky Yankee
Cranky Yankee
Pro-Democracy, Progressive Vegan, Lifelong Lefty, Curious, Writer, Buddhist-ish, 🏳️‍🌈, Happily married (taken), Animal and Human Lover in That Order, Wildlife Advocate and Rescuer. New Englander. Ex-Twitterer. Bring Your Dunce Caps @MAGA - You're Mine!
James Thompson
James Thompson
Twitie (as Okie). Cat aficionado, husband, father, grandfather. OH 27, MA 35, IL 18. McGovern Dem. PDP11 assembler, JavaScript.
Finnish-American, Med/research/epidemiologist PhD, MPH, sci teacher, mentor, wife, mom, all around sci & art/craft nerd #BLM #Trans rights are human rights #Love is Love (she/her)
Mockingbird, MPH, CHES
Mockingbird, MPH, CHES
Public health, reproductive justice, big nerd about tv as health education. Fighting depression and anxiety with cats, bunnies, and raccoons. she/her
Profit Greenly
Profit Greenly
I'm just a dad, standing in front of the world, asking everyone to love heat pumps, eBikes, solar, wind, transmission, dense housing, trains, buses and other things that can help us avoid civilization destroying climate change.
Ulrike Gebhardt
Ulrike Gebhardt
Newsletter "Immun am Wochenende":