J MacQueen

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J MacQueen


A squeaky reader in the mouse house. Novacastrian Australian. Currently owned by two cavoodles, one old, one young. My home is in Barahineban of the Pambalong Awabakal people.
Horrible, wet winter day, the kind where you’d like to stay in bed, but I did my duty & had my flu vax & COVID booster. Not sure that a Turkish chicken snack pack is the best reward for that, but it’s okay.
Didn’t want to get up this morning. Unsurprising, really, with the air feeling like it was two degrees C. But one cannot leave a grocery delivery unattended for very long, so up I got. Tomorrow, maybe I sleep in if it’s still this cold…
Cold bus stop at the hospital. Am running errands this morning. First thing on the list is done. Now down to our local shops for the rest. And some breakfast, possibly. Haven’t had mine yet, though I made sure Mum wouldn’t go without.
The sun was shining this morning. Not now. The weekend wet is here, pouring rain, bleak grey clouds and all. Times like this one is grateful for a warm house & a canine hot water bottle substitute on one’s lap.
We had such great plans to put loads of washing on the clothesline today, before a wet weekend coming tomorrow. Unfortunately, the weather thought otherwise, and most of the washing will have to go in the dryer. I can see some blue sky, but it’s still pouring out there.
6 degrees C but feels like 3. Remind me why I’m outside? Oh, yes, doggies have to go out. Also, I’d still be in bed for at least another 10 minutes if it wasn’t for the tiler coming at 7.30. Drat having to be awake on winter mornings.
Bailey is cold, but determined to be warm.
I thought it was cold. But the weather forecast on the 6 o’clock news says that towards the weekend Barrington Tops will have a minimum temperature of -4 degrees C. That might mean some snow. But there seems to be some law that snow cold has to be shared with the rest of the valley by wind. Ugh!
Looks like it’s going to rain all weekend. That’s alright. Might get to sleep in a little bit on Saturday. Would make up for having to get up in the cold to let the tiler in at 7.30 in the morning. It’ll be finished soon, thank goodness.
Bailey is being used as a canine hot water bottle this morning. Should be going to have a shower, but one side of me is quite warm now, & I’m not in a hurry to move just yet.
Mum, having finished watching Endeavour, has gone back to Morse. Patrick Troughton is dead. But he’s not the only one.
Chaotic day for the dogs, & cold for the humans. The front door has to stay open for the tiler to work on replacing the tiles in front of the doorway, so the aircon has to stay off. Mum is wrapped up in a dressing gown worn backwards.
It’s taken a couple of months & a misunderstanding that had to be drawn to the attention of the boss, but the back verandah will be finished. The sanding was done today, & the staining will be done tomorrow. Also, the tiling at the front door is being redone too. The dogs won’t like it at all.
Wind chill. Means it feels closer to 0 degrees C this morning than I want it to feel. I’m going back inside. I’m only out here because the dogs need to go out. Well, Jasper certainly did.
Swimming on the tv. Commented that it’s a bit hard trying to qualify for a Summer Olympics when it’s winter this side of the Equator. Mum said there’ve been some records broken. Couldn’t help replying that they’re swimming as fast as they can to get out of cold water.
Rain is threatening. What there is of the moon is wrapped in cloud, like a sleeper in bedclothes on a cold night.
One of those bleak winter days, weather-wise. It’s not raining, but there’s enough cloud-cover to cut any brightness in what sunshine there is. Jasper is having one of those days where his paws slip under him & he panics. He’s recovering now, & it’s a good day for sleeping dogs to lie down.
Went to hang a basket of washing out on the clothesline, and nearly got to the end before water started falling on my face out of what appeared to be clear sky. So ended the attempt to hang stuff there. It’s either up on the airer or in the dryer now.
Have just had to find my grownup hat, in order to fix up an error Mum was too frustrated with herself to deal with. Customer service phone calls are not fun, but I had no reason to lose my temper, and so achieved a cancelled order, its refund & the go ahead to make another, more careful order. Phew!
The rain it raineth Biblically today. Every time you listen to what it’s doing it seems to get heavier. This is fine if you’re inside. Jasper, though not actually in the wet, is outside & would like to come in right now, horrible human. Let me in says his bark. Must go before he drives people batty.
Weirdness today. Mum’s been sent two dozen of a book we’d never order one of for ourselves. We’ve reported it to Amazon, but it may not be their preserves being poached on. I’m suspecting a brushing scam, but we can’t think why two dozen books!?!?
Jasper & his human are back from the vet appointment. The vet he saw is quite amazed that Jasper is not only still with us but still pretty happy with life. He’ll be 15 in mid-July, and he has a bad heart condition, but he still loves his food, and playing with Bailey.
Am going to be catching an Uber Pet car ride tomorrow for the very first time, to take Jasper to a vet appointment. Hoping everything about the trip will be fine, but if anyone feels like crossing their fingers for me at around 11 am Sydney NSW time it will be appreciated.
Mum told my brother that she’d bought a new electric wool winder. His response was to ask how much electric wool she had. You can imagine the dreadful puns that followed.
Cold! Not cold like Canberra cold. Or Snowy Mountains cold. But cold for here, & aircon on warm weather. Urgh! Autumn’s not over yet, and we are not really prepared for winter. Not in our heads.
What came to mind at 6 this morning is still coming to mind nearly 2 hours later: it freakin’ wimdy. And cold. Wind chill is making it feel like 5 degrees C. Yargh. Winter is coming & we are not mentally prepared.
The sun came up this morning, but grey clouds smothered it a few hours ago. Consequently, it’s a somewhat snoozy day here, with sleepy dogs taking comfort where they can, including the small one sitting up like a baby on my lap, all for tummy scratches.
Nearly found myself being divebombed by a noisy myna this morning. It stood on the fence & sneered at me like a tiny dinosaur, before it was distracted by two others of its kind. Charming, not.
Bailey has a tiny birthday cake, and he enjoyed it a lot while sitting on Mum’s lap.