
Greg William
Greg William
🐶 Dog lover | 🇺🇸 proud Dad..⚓
RedMenaceH 🔞
RedMenaceH 🔞
A firm believer in the George Lucas school of writing. Stitch together a periodic table worth of ideas and go from there.
Lisa Koch
Lisa Koch
Book: Nuclear Decisions, available at Oxford University Press. Associate Professor of Government. IR, nonproliferation, foreign policy.
Karen Leick
Karen Leick
Teaches at University of Illinois at Chicago. Modernism, Professional Writing, Gertrude Stein, middle-brow writers, periodical studies, DH. She/her
I’ve got weasels on my face and a gloghack in my heart.
NorCal Lynne
NorCal Lynne
Important to me: politics and law, women’s rights, voting rights 🗳, BLM ✊🏾, LGBTQ 🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧, climate change 🌎, natsec, and science. Self-care: gardening to help the 🐝🦋🐦 and hanging out with 🐕 🐶🐔. Pics are my own.
Ben Gaines
Ben Gaines
Alleged lawyer, Brunswick, ME
Robert Carl
Robert Carl
🐶 Dog lover | 🌿 Nature enthusiast.. 🇺🇸⚓
Chris Brennan
Chris Brennan
Very grateful to a stranger who chose to be an organ donor.

Immunocompromised, so also grateful to those who choose to mask in important public spaces while a dangerous and contagious airborne virus continues to circulate.


J Mike Anthony
J Mike Anthony
Love God | Family & Country. Just your regular guy. Thanks for following me and I follow back | Unsolicited DM 🚫, 🇺🇸US first.
Anti-War Shagger
Anti-War Shagger
Sturdy gap-toothed forearm-clutching hophead.
Compassion, cuss words, color, coffee. I do web sites, teach a bit of environmental science, wear many hats in a small museum. I draw some, don't paint enough, and talk back to birds.
Shara Karasic
Shara Karasic
Startup advisor emerging markets, product, wannabee polyglot, sometimes write.
julius knipl
julius knipl
the absolute worst
Mark Shore
Mark Shore
Interested in many things, from climate and Earth sciences to politics.

2024 update: Thought about re-subscribing to the New York Times just to enjoy cancelling it again. But no.

banner photo: red sun setting seen from northwest coast of Hawai'i
Management consultant, autograph collector, interested in film and public affairs. Community volunteer
To be clear, I am voting for President Biden again in November. My most prominent and easily understood reason is his opponent. I'm not panicked either. News "outlets" got us unfinished seams and missing buttons. #Scrotus #CATS #gardening #Joe
Greg Williams
Greg Williams
Faith over fear. 🇺🇸 Proud Dad..
Kate Evert
Kate Evert
74-year-old national champion powerlifter. Otherwise, just an old boomer.
Eoghan Kai Conan
Eoghan Kai Conan
A kaleidoscope 🔭🔬🛰️📡of curiosity, always seeking new perspectives 🔃🔄. Life is a canvas, and I’m the artist painting it bold. ✍️✍️
Lydialyle Gibson
Lydialyle Gibson
Writer at Harvard Magazine; alum of UChicago Mag and Chicago Journal (RIP). Southern expat in Chicago, Midwestern expat in New England. Views mine, etc.
Mike White
Mike White
Associate Professor of Genetics at Washington University in St. Louis. I write about genomics at
Flying Pig
Flying Pig
I don't dare to expect good luck like a koi fish, but I hope everything goes well. The road is long and arduous, but the future is bright. BTC enthusiasts
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
"The princely sort."
Larissa Kelly
Larissa Kelly
Migration is beautiful.
reality check 🤔🤷‍♂️
reality check 🤔🤷‍♂️
Colorado dad, snowboarder, runner, house and car repairer

Reality check: We all need one now and then
Josh Huder
Josh Huder
Political scientist posting mostly about Congress.
Darren Cohen
Darren Cohen
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane"
Otere, rare hunder, irriterende spørsmål. Synes politikk basert på synsing, dogmer og tull er lite smart.
Jonathan Burden
Jonathan Burden
I was born in 1981. Chicago-land.
ETX Gov 🏴‍☠️
ETX Gov 🏴‍☠️
Some sort of weird Lumberjack Longhorn mashup. Foster parent, agitator of status quos, nerd. Usonian. They call me Queso Blanco. Yall Means All.
Geology is my life, baking is my passion… political junkie.
Bidusao cabra da peste
Bidusao cabra da peste
Professor esquerdista, anarquista, socialista, comunista, antifacista, super a favor das CEB'S, amo minha esposa, filhas, netas/os , sobrinhas/os, o Bidu, os animais, as pessoas e a natureza! 🌹💮♟️📿🪬🧿🕉️☯️🛐
Mam, Pharma/Med Dev Reg Lecturer TU Dublin, Archaeology Student, Sweary Unitarian , HHGTTG nerd
Chris Pepin-Neff 🏳️‍🌈
Chris Pepin-Neff 🏳️‍🌈
Political Scientist at the University of Sydney, Australia. Recovering U.S. lobbyist and Senate staffer. Research focuses on public policy and emotions, including LGBTQ+ politics 🏳️‍🌈 and shark bites 🦈 (they/them).
PE PhD Environmental Engineer specializing in disinfection. University professor and wind enthusiast.