Larissa Kelly

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Larissa Kelly

Migration is beautiful.
One of the cool things about Bluesky's Gift Links feed is how it provides some of the same serendipity as reading a physical newspaper. Instead of algorithmically "tailored for you" content, it's more of a grab bag of stories you didn't already know you'd find interesting.
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America has its goods and its bads, obviously, but this idea, that if you want to be an American then you can be, regardless of where you’re from or where your ancestors are from, that’s one of the best things about it. We don’t live up to that promise enough, but the idea is beautiful.
A scene from the Indigo Girls documentary IT'S ONLY LIFE AFTER ALL, illustrating why both the band and the movie are amazing: '90s MTV interviewer dude: What is sexy? Amy: Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation! Emily: Country music is sexy. Interviewer: Uh, great. Uh...
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Didn't think that a product name could be worse than "fanny packs," but apparently the British call them "bumbags." Can the rest of the Anglosphere top this? Come on Australia, "tush totes" is there for the taking.
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Two more reading skeletons sent out. One in the comfort of their home surrounded by their favourite books, the other in the great swirly outdoors. #art #skeleton #library #bookshelf
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Hey! If researching to help make infographics about Project 2025 sounds like a thing you’d like to do, is thinking about putting a team together. ⤵️
i was thinking i could make a collection of these (graphic design IS my passion (actually i’ve worked on some really successful visual design for covid awareness etc, millions & millions of views & got into higher offices) i need help with the research tho if anyone wants to team up??
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“In 20 years from now when the politics have moved on, today's leaders are gone, and this conflict is relegated to history, this is what will still matter. Amputees, hostages, human victims of the conflict and their families who will suffer for decades.”
"Sometimes it’s difficult even to bring into Gaza wheelchairs, crutches, and hearing aids, because some of them are put on the dual use list. The problem is that we’re not even getting the list, so we don’t even know. "
This is a pretty narrowly tailored recommendation, but anyone who liked SORRY TO BOTHER YOU should check out PROBLEMISTA (now streaming on Max). Featuring Tilda Swinton as a mostly metaphorical, sometimes literal hydra!
Problemista | Official Trailer HD | SUBSCRIBE: and directed by star Julio Torres, with Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton, RZA, and Isabella Rossellini. PROBLE...
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For anyone doing this: USPS prices are going up on July 14th. Postcard stamps are going up from 53¢ to 56¢, & regular stamps are going up by 5¢. I think you can order them at the old prices from USPS until the 13th. USPS sells one variety of 'forever' postcard stamp:
In theory, all of the angst about Biden's strength as a candidate is now moot. Why should the horse race matter when the president can legally keep power regardless of how the vote goes? (The answer, that Biden won't carry out a coup as Trump would, should be spelled out in every horse race story.)
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Ed Markey has introduced the Judiciary Act of 2023, which would add four more justices to the court. So far it's co-sponsored by Tina Smith and Elizabeth Warren (and is supported by California senator-in-waiting Adam Schiff). I hope this now gets more momentum.
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I've volunteered for political campaigns for literally 40 years. And one thing that's always helped when things look bleak is the knowledge that there is ALWAYS something practical you can do to help make things better -- whether through electoral politics or other kinds of service. For example...
Thinking about this again after the Supreme Court said retroactive bribery is okay.
I used to do research at a TINY Mexican government archive, where everyone got to know each other well. One day a fellow researcher brought in some candy. The archivist absolutely refused to take any - she felt that doing so would be corruption. I think about her whenever a new Thomas story breaks.
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Avatar I love you, but stories about potential Trump VP picks are pretty pointless if the reporter never asks "so hey, how does this person feel about coups?"
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Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
Hells yeah. Establishing international freedom of movement is one of the most important political projects of this century.
Every value Democrats hold dear points straight toward freedom of movement. I have written this as an #OpenBordersDemocrat. If you agree, consider sharing and endorsing likewise. Immigrants will never be free until they have faithful friends and defenders in the Democratic Party.
Democracy Demands Open Every immigrant is a vote for America. Every deportation is a vote against America.
Unpopular transit opinion: I miss the old wool BART seats. Was 80% of their mass made up of dust mites and dried milkshake spills? Probably! Still worth it to sit on a glorious soft train couch and loaf into San Francisco.
The lettering on some of the Dallas Mavericks jerseys always gives me a brief moment of confusion, like, what is this Art Spiegelman-themed sports franchise
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Color pencils on toned paper. #art
Funny how someone can simultaneously have no convictions and also 34 of them.
So many online arguments boil down to "[X] is NECESSARY but not sufficient" vs. "[X] is necessary BUT NOT SUFFICIENT"
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Another pattern of invertebrates for #InverteFest2024 but this time from the Cambrian Period (from 538.8 - 485.4 million years ago). This pattern is made from my linocut animal prints with collaged washi papers. The spiky handprinted Wiwaxia, a soft-bodied 5cm animal covered in scales & spines 🧵1/
Beer batter my heart, three-person'd God, and maybe throw in a side of jalapeno poppers
Opportunistically raiding my husband's snacks, like a bird moving into a new niche when foraging is scarce.
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