
What I favor: Biden should make a statement in the East Room with Harris. He should say "I'm withdrawing from the race because I'm not certain I can serve a full 4 year term. I'm endorsing Harris and telling all my delegates to vote for her. She will continue my administration's policies."
I think there are no guarantees of success or failure with any strategy, including Biden staying in the race. Anyone who tells you they have a strategy they know for certain will work is wrong. But this is my best guess for what is best for the country.
Jonathan - I’m 100% in agreement with you. No one knows for sure what’s the optimal strategy, but this one seems like the least bad one.
I wish I shared your optimism about Harris, but I doubt that a woman, much less a non-white woman, can win against Trump. I'm curious about what data guides your intuition in the opposite direction
I’m not optimistic. The time for open primaries has passed, and a contested convention would be a disaster. The only possible non-Biden choice is his VP who happens to be Harris. All other options (e.g., Newsom, Whitmer) are simply not viable.
Over at Musk’s cesspool, Glenn Greenwald criticizes Kamala Harris. That obviously settles the issue. (She must be the right candidate.)
And they could really mix it up if Harris immediately announces Biden will still be her running mate!
Step down now and allow her to be the prez now. She can choose one of the three govs of the important states, ‘acting’ VP? Everyone will vote for her, she’s great
If Biden says what I proposed, I don't think that would be necessary. And I would speculate that what I proposed would avoid giving voters the message that there is some crisis or huge problem that needs immediate action. Because I don't think that's true. Biden can serve fine for another 6 months.
Others are saying that without House and Senate confirmation, Johnson would effectively be VP and in charge of electoral vote certification.