
I don't want to keep being that guy but imagine how the media would react if in 2012 Obama was on trial for election campaign fraud involving a sex with a porn star. Literally every oped in America would be calling for him to drop out.
Every GOP officeholder would be calling it the worst and most shameful scandal in world history.
Honestly it is a horrible scandal. They would be right too! A presidential candidate breaking the law to hide their sexual predator behavior pattern is a huge scandal.
I was trying to point out how the GOP has played this down to a ridiculous degree. They would definitely not be acting like that if it wasn't a Republican.
As an exercise, I suggest asking a Republican what they think of the longest acting Speaker of the House, former Republican Congressman Dennis Hastert. If you get anything other than crickets and excuses, I’d be genuinely surprised.
I have asked republicans I know what they think about the longest serving GOP speaker going to prison for being a pedophile, and they have no idea what I am talking about. The Fox bubble is strong… Not just Fox though. ABC and AP had the Hastert story in 2006 but didn’t run it
"Pedophile" comes to mind….
Sure it might be a shameful scandal, but is it really worse than wearing a tan suit?
Hey remember that one time he didn't wear a flag pin?
Or asking for Dijon mustard? QUELLE HORROR!!!!
I mean we just went through a whole month of every oped in America calling for Joe Biden to drop out for the crime of being old. And yet somehow that's never even mentioned as an issue for Trump. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Trump is 2 years younger than Biden, which actually happens to be the same age as Melanijas father buy we hear crickets about that and how she met Trump at Ghislane Maxwells sex club which she was at as an illegal immigrant who was doing porn.
*but not buy But I guess in regards to Melanija and the ndas he did buy her.
Trump has the advantage of having a mental age 70 years younger than Biden though.
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Acting like a 5 year old having tantrums is a security risk. We know he sold defense secrets to Russia and Saudis.
Is that assuming Biden's mental age is mid 70s? If so, this is true.
Mid 70s to early 80s, if you're feeling particularly favourable to Trump.
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And yet Bernie, who is older, announces he's running again and is met with cheers.
magine how the media would react if in 2024 Biden was on trial for election campaign fraud involving a sex with a porn star. Literally every oped in America would be calling for him to drop out.
Or imagine if Hillary was on trial for stealing and hiding classified documents and a Democratically appointed judge stalled the trial until after the election.
Hillary was roasted for having her own email server. The fact that the State Department email server was hacked never seemed to enter into the conversation.
that's because it wasn't a state department email server
"It"? So, Wikileaks didn't publish a trove of emails hacked from the State Department? That didn't happen? Are you denying that, or are you just saying people were upset because Clinton's email server wasn't run by the State Department itself? My point is that DoS email security sucks.
Oh he would have dropped out long before any media outlets were calling for it. Back in 2012 the concept of shame still existed. A lifetime ago.
I think the media has learned its lesson from those days. They would never knowingly sacrifice those kinds of revenue-generating clicks today.
The media is mostly Republican owned, not unlike the media in 1940.
Gary Hart would like a word.
Also John Edwards, brought down by none other than the National Enquirer.
No that's not true Because he would have dropped out himself a long time before now
We lost the opportunity to run Gary Hart against a weak VP Bush, because of a little Monkey Business.
Seems positively quaint now. And let’s not forget the National Enquirer took John Edwards off the board its own lil self. Actually, JE was arguably a bit closer to Trump in hush-money terms, but I bet he would still seem almost prim compared to the Hair Furor, who was leching in all directions.
Al Franken was kicked out of the Senate for a photo taken when he was working as a comedian.
Imagine if Obama said he "fell in love" with a North Korean Communist dictator who tortured an American citizen to death.
Or if Obama had kids with 3 different women… Or if he bankrupted several companies…
They would calling for him to be executed!
How would the Democratic Party react if a Democratic POTUS was dragged into a court case where he technically lied, but it was to avoid sexual humiliation on a piddling matter?
They distanced themselves so far that they lost the presidency.
The crazy thing about these types of observations is that I bet, when pressed, 90+% of Americans would agree. Ranging from tankies to John Birchers
White Privilege means never having to say you’re sorry.
Another part of this bizarre clown show is, the very same people who have to be dragged against their will into accepting that DT did this, would have believed *in a heartbeat* that “a black guy from Chicago” would do all of it and more. Trumper racists believed horrible, crazy things about Obama.
If a Dem uses the wrong fork at dinner, there are outcries to resign and that Dem resigns shortly after. 😐
Facts. They would have called that the worst scandal in the history of the universe.
Your not wrong, but the tan suit was a little sus though
You're acting like the media didn't go to bat for Joe Biden over his repeated groping of staffers
Gonna need some citations on that one.
They'd be actively trying to lynch him even harder than normal.
Never mind that—imagine if he'd been accused of cheating on his third wife after the birth of his fifth child with an adult film star.
Yeah well instead we’re getting Obama staffers teaming up for a podcast with Kellyanne Conway, because these parties are filled with the worst people imaginable
Eh, none of these people are serious anyways. No sense on pretending news media has any integrity.