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She/her. UglyDog, author, fangirl, dog mom, gamer, queer.
He did not, in fact, want to go pee. 🤦‍♀️
Trazyn. Puppy. It’s too hot for this shit. I thought you wanted to go out and pee.
Trazyn. Puppy. It’s too hot for this shit. I thought you wanted to go out and pee.
When you turn our TV off, it turns itself back on a few seconds later. Is it possessed?
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
It would appear that another journalist is a character of the day. I'll just mute his name and people that are bringing shit vibes to the skyline Anyway, Home Depot Halloween online madness is tomorrow and the local Lowe's rushed some animatronics to the floor
I’m catching the edges of a discourse, so here’s something relevant that happened yesterday. 🧵 CW trans slur. Someone in an online game community said their character name “makes most [people] think I’m a dude.” The community founder said “nah I knew you where (sic) a he/she lol.”
Trazyn is feeling playful, so he just bounced off the chair and charged across the living room to pounce on a toy, only to faceplant right into the recycle bin. Clearly the borzois have passed their athleticism on to him.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
This Prime Day, let's all remember back to that time that Amazon was bootlegging my merchandise: Anyways, use the code AMAZONCRIME to save 15% off of legit merchandise at until tomorrow.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
Anyway, too much serious before coffee. Hunter says good morning.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
Texas has been under GOP control for 25 years. Every single statewide office held by Republicans. Texas ranks last in quality of life, worst in health insurance. Power goes out often; people die of heat or cold. The infant death rate is rising; women die giving birth. These are features, not bugs.
Anger grows as some senior facilities left without power for days: ‘It’s horrible what the state of Texas is doing’ | As Tina Kitzmiller sat inside her sweltering apartment, windows and doors open in the hope of catching even the slightest breeze, she was frustrated and worried for her dog and her neighbors.
This! Two repair people tried and failed to fix a sporadic under-sink leak that happened when we ran the dishwasher. We finally got desperate and tried to have it replaced, only for the installers tell us they couldn’t do the job. I fixed the leak for $50 and time watching how-to videos.
I don't really have a big point here. If you own your appliances read the maintenance instructions and learn how to do simple fixes. It's mostly looking up part numbers and doing part swaps. If you can build Legos, you can fix most cheap appliances. You can fix a lot more than you think.
Trazyn wants to sleep with my pillows tonight.
Oh good. Fucking republicans destroying the environment and making humans and dogs miserable.
Do you see his paw on the door? He was just out back two minutes ago, and he’s trying to convince me he’s going to die if I don’t let him out again. The heat index is 110, and the backyard is south facing, so it’s currently a broiler.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
I'm adopting this slogan
I keep reading this and every time I get to "She ate the whole man" I start sobbing with laughter It's not that it's funny, perfectly unremarkable behaviour for many varieties of arthropods, it's just SHE ATE THE WHOLE MAN
Dog people pro tip: pick up some XL washable pee pads and sew them into furniture covers for designated doggo furniture.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
I had not heard "Incel Camino" before and I am so annoyed that I didn't think of it.
TFW the normies at the Kansas City car show barely slowed down as they walked past your idiotic HALO cosplay Incel Camino Pic is from the owner (linked below). I saw this truck today. A few people stopped to look at the regular Cybertruck parked next to it. Most people avoided them like the plague.
Spilled some drama on the furniture.
This is art.
He has learned to drop his head when I throw food at him, then wait for where it lands after it bounced of his head. Pollox is many things, but he's no catcher.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
It’s 200 degrees in the shade, and 190% humidity. I finally got him to come back inside with ice.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan
Is it going to rain? I don’t know, my privatized weather service has a partnership with Amazon so it suggests I buy rain boots every day. And the weather satellites are provided by Starlink under a lucrative federal contract so it just says “Great weather to drive a Tesla” anyway.
Just a boy and his AC vent.
I do not understand the appeal.
We’re having a very awkward cuddle this morning.
Not that the heat is stopping the dogs from wanting to go outside.
It’s too hot for proper
The arms of the chair and loveseat make a perfect platform for sittin.