
One time my step-sister asked why I kept up with Alabama if I hated it so much. The answer was that I love Alabama and the people there deserve better than suppressed votes and systemic, orchestrated poverty — and attacks on the poor
And red states like Texas are wonderful places! Why should we surrender them to the other side?
This is why I’m so excited about the work is doing!
I love listening to Jason Isbell so much because his music is so often about how he loves Alabama but also everything that's wrong with it
I mean, this is why I would never leave the US. I am corny and old fashioned. I love my country no matter how fucked up it is. I do what i can to remedy our errors, and to ensure we recognize and pay penance for our sins. But I'm not leaving. For better or worse, it's my home.
In case anyone was looking for the difference between patriotism and nationalism, this is it.
West Virginia native here. I love my state. The people drive me crazy sometimes.
I lived in the south for 4 years. It’s a beautiful region with a lot of great people who don’t deserve to be oppressed by theocratic fascism.
There are many good people in Alabama and Louisiana still trying to make things better. They can have Mississippi if they want, tho
🤫 we can’t say that part out loud 😉
You can say it if you’re in an SEC stadium though …
One of the big problems in the USA is that we organize ourselves by community but so much political power over our lives is at the state level. Lots of liberal places in red states that are almost powerless over how they're governed because the state government meddles so much in local affairs.
Plus unless the plan is actually a national split, giving up on Red states is just not smart. Some days Florida feels hopeless, but it won't get *better* if everyone on the left leaves.