
not much to say that i haven't already said, but this week's opinions really drive home that we're in crisis. chevron's out, bribery is in, coups are good, air pollution can't be regulated because of freedom or something.
The big issue with overruling Chevron is, actually, what SCOTUS then did in Fisher. Because there the statutory text is very clear. So basically, the new rule is pretty openly just Calvinball.
It's been a constitutional crisis since Dobbs imo. Just escalating
So glad the only opposition is a senile racist who's funding and arming one of the worst war crimes of the last 10 years!
Havee to wonder where it's going to go from here. They aren't gonna stop, even if they've won. Hereditary judicial appointments maybe? Divine right of Judges?
Goddamn I'm glad I live in California. States' rights, fools (for now at least).
So the originalists clearly and somewhat ironically don't care about precedent. Fine. But doesn't this path also open the door for subsequent courts to overturn this court's rulings anytime for any reason? Seems more short-sighted than ever.
Not to mention that homelessness is now a crime.
already known that McConnell captured the highest judicial court. known, and reaffirmed.