Joshua W. Cotter

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Joshua W. Cotter

Comics & Illustration ✍️ Traditional Media ♾️ Autistic Secular Humanist
Meiko Kaji / Scorpion from a sketchbook, drawn with poscas
I'm the author of a history of autism called "NeuroTribes." Every voter should know that what Trump says here about vaccines is the medical equivalent of the Big Lie, which has caused endless grief for autistic people and their families. A worst-case scenario.
Ron Filipkowski (@ronaldfilipkowski) on The RFK Jr camp leaked a video of a phone call from Trump to RFK after the shooting where he promised him a job in his Admin if he would drop out & endorse him, disclosed details of Biden’s call to...
Mainly posting on Pay-Tree-On these days (link in bio). Nod Away v3 is very much still in progress, slow as that progress may be. The more support I get the less side work I’ll have to do and the quicker v3 will be done - please, spread the word if you’re up for it. Thanks.
I recently started inking pages from my new middle-grade graphic novel. I think this one came out pretty good.
Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
Happy No-More-Kings Day tomorrow! And remember: Patriotism is helping the country you love do less wrong. Nationalism is pretending that it's *never* wrong. 🇺🇸 "Nationalism is Patriotism for Assholes." – Jon Lovett
Zine four pack is now available. Includes all four zines/minicomics from the last year. Available here:
Been clearing brush for paths through a nearby abandoned cemetery, resetting headstones, etc.
It’s been hard watching so many people in the movement ignore the biggest public health issue of our times when it mirrors climate crisis. Here’s a read on denialism that also links out to some substantiative info on the scale of the ongoing pandemic
We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast
Support independent cartoonists and other artists or you’re in for a future of corporate/fa$h generative @👁️ slop. Original info courtesy
Here’s some math courtesy of Nate Powell to keep in mind when signing that graphic novel deal. #comics
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
This AP tweet is an instant candidate for the Museum of American Fascism. Carve it in stone and put it over the entrance. It should be an enduring source of burning shame and embarrassment for the entire organization, as well as a warning to other media
I've always wanted a big profile in The Comics Journal. At long last, I have one!
it just couldn't be more obvious that a bunch of panicking, ignorant executives are demanding their companies Do Some AI Stuff without the slightest clue if it will actually work or blow up in their faces. FOMO brain to the bottom
Why creatives are fed up with Adobe and every other tech company - Fast Adobe users erupted in anger over the company's new terms of service. It shows how little trust creatives have in technology companies today.
"In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds... I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion." - Carl Sagan (📷: NASA/JPL)
A few panels from a comic I wrote for BOMB Magazine’s winter issue. Posted in full over on my Patreon, link is in my bio. #penandink with #digitalcolor
democracy dies in the hands of billionaires
My partner, ceramicist Momoko Usami, and I will be at the Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City tonight (May 24th) for the opening of the group exhibition ‘Read the Room’, 6-9pm. Hope you can make it.
The complete ‘Infinite ©️’. On display as part of the group exhibition ‘Read the Room’, opening this Friday, May 24th, 6-9pm at the Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City.
Letting the plane doors fall off is the kind of hard work that deserves a 10 million dollar raise.
Shareholders of embattled airplane maker Boeing approved a pay package of nearly $33 million for outgoing CEO Dave Calhoun. That’s the highest package ever paid to the company’s CEO and a 45% increase from the $22.6 million he received for 2022. The majority of the bump comes from a stock bonus.
Boeing shareholders vote to approve $33 million CEO pay package | CNN Shareholders of embattled airplane maker Boeing have approved a pay package of nearly $33 million for outgoing CEO Dave Calhoun.
Retweet to save an artist's life
Sociopathic fascist Tom Cotton wants to murder protestors so bad he can taste it. To "teach" them a lesson. The reality. 67 shots fired. A parking lot full of unarmed students, most walking to class, not protesting. 4 murdered, 9 shot & wounded, 5 of them critically. Most were shot in the back.
I saw this posted on twitter but I don't think that user is on BlueSky and I wanted to share it here... This interview with Ethan Hawke perfectly describes the importance of art.
Via Vincent Proce on Twitter (@vproceart) some hope vs the Ai glut (repost to add alt text)
A drawing I did for my daughter on her 8th birthday.