
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Nonprofiteer. Stalwart defender of the underdog. Midwest human. 🐘🤎💙 ‘26 parent. Labradors and David Austin roses. Flag s/b Czech, interpreted by 4yo. FFUK alum. It's technically 'narod sobe' and it's about a divadlo.
Just thinking out loud.
Mention your best traits and give a clear idea of who you are🧟‍♀️💕☻
Miles Grant
Miles Grant
Progressive, climate hawk, urbanist, YIMBY, Bostonian, dad. Current: Advocacy communications. Past: Journalist, CREW, NWF, blogger (
Student. Nurse 💉
Signal number : +1 334-930-1397
Jason Reifler
Jason Reifler
Prof at @exeterpolitics, will be at University of Southampton starting in August. I study misperceptions, fact-checking, and foreign policy attitudes. American in the UK. he/his (y'all whenever possible). Spurs #COYS.
Seja bem vindo
Lee Zimmerman
Lee Zimmerman
Artist, Phd

All art posted is by me. Let me know in the comments If you are interested in purchasing anything I post .

My drawings include nudes. If this makes you uncomfortable, please block me.
EM Simpson
EM Simpson
I am not a committee. Defense, lightly eclectic Gen-X interests, Jayhawk propaganda. All opinions my own.

What are you reading?
hannah draper
hannah draper
the jankier the pants, the player you get

birdsite asylum seeker (formerly draperha) making this my new home

type-a bureaucrat professionally pushing papers in/around the middle east. history nerd, arabist, turkophile, news junkie, perpetually tired
Joshua Foust  🪖🎮
Joshua Foust 🪖🎮
Assistant Professor at Syracuse. I study video games, public relations, military esports, gender theory, and where they intersect. Happily 🏳️‍🌈. Recovering PR flack, national security journalist, think tanker and NGO exec.
Elke Schwarz
Elke Schwarz
Reader (Associate Professor) in Political Theory. Technology, politics, ethics and war are my main preoccupations. Lately also the Apocalypse.
Andy Langenkamp
Andy Langenkamp
Senior analyst at ECR Research & ICC Consultants. Geopolitics/economy/financial markets. Words in FT, Guardian, Politico, The Hill, The Messenger, NRC, FD, Trouw, Volkskrant, Tijd, Trouw, Knack et al
One of the most remarkable aspects of me -dog connection is the unconditional love that my dog provide. He have an innate ability to sense my emotions, offering comfort and support during both my happiest and most challenging times. This unwavering
Amin Samman
Amin Samman
Writing a book on financial nihilism. Editor-in-Chief of Finance and Society. Director of Finance and Society Network.
Literal News
Literal News
The news that matters, in bite-sized posts.

Straight info.
#newaccount #voteblue

Thanks for your support.
🐉 Dragon Head 🐉
🐉 Dragon Head 🐉
Be warned!
Nick Srnicek
Nick Srnicek
Everything for everyone.
Physicist Disarmament Flamenco dancer War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength
Matt Burton
Matt Burton
Husband, father. Yorkshireman.
Wednesdayite (#swfc #wawaw)
Minnesota Vikings (#Vikings #Skol)
🇬🇧 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🇺🇳
Andrew Mueller
Andrew Mueller
Contributing Editor at Monocle, host of Monocle Radio's The Foreign Desk and The Daily. Author of four scandalously under-rated books.
Ian Bond
Ian Bond
Deputy director, Centre for European Reform, London . Supporter of democracy, the rule of law, the EU & Ukraine. Opponent of authoritarianism, corruption & Putin's Russia.
Jonn Elledge
Jonn Elledge
writer and shouter. New Statesman, Paper Cuts, The Newsletter of (Not Quite) Everything, Conspiracy: A History of Bollocks Theories & How Not To Fall For Them, etc.
Dan Kaszeta FRHistS
Dan Kaszeta FRHistS
CBRN expert, particularly nerve agents. Freeman of the City of London. Campaigner for truth and justice. "Legal Juggernaut". Anglican. Ex Verger. Author. Associate Fellow at RUSI. Scourge of llamas. Former US Army. Former US Secret Service #NAFO
End of list.