Dan Kaszeta FRHistS

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Dan Kaszeta FRHistS


CBRN expert, particularly nerve agents. Freeman of the City of London. Campaigner for truth and justice. "Legal Juggernaut". Anglican. Ex Verger. Author. Associate Fellow at RUSI. Scourge of llamas. Former US Army. Former US Secret Service #NAFO
BROADCASTERS CALL ME okay netflix too
“The Advance Team”. I’ll give you material fior 39 W1A-style episodes by Monday. I’ve got retired mates who’ll play themselves. We’re rich
My late aunt left her house in early 2021 and was hospitalised for many months and went into a care home and died in September 2022. I reported her death repeatedly and her house has been unoccupied for years. Nobody has used the TV there since 2021
If you wanna know why JD Vance sucks ass there is no better place to start.
A Post analysis, based on videos as well as satellite imagery and analysis examining the rally site and shooter’s position, found that the two Secret Service countersniper teams may have initially been hindered in their ability to see the shooter as he crawled up the roof due to its slanted sides.
Obstructed view may have delayed sniper response at Trump rallywww.washingtonpost.com A 3D analysis by The Washington Post found two countersniper teams likely had difficulty seeing the gunman before he fired.
I follow this account because I had no idea Don Pablos and Old Country Buffet (both of which kinda sucked) had gone away.
Don Pablo's (1985-2019): A chain of casual sit-down Tex Mex restaurants, noted for their homemade salsas and sauces. By the late 90's there were 120 locations in the US, making it the 2nd largest full-service Mexican chain in the country.
If you’re wondering why a Republican would shoot at Trump: The ultra far-right and QAnon cult does not fully trust Trump and has long speculated that his martyrdom would be a positive — especially if it would allow someone like Mike Flynn to become the GOP nominee.
Meanwhile on the other site, I’m now a “Nazi pig”
It’s the second Sunday of the month. I shall be off to church and then it’s time for Captain Dan’s homeless asylum seeker laundry service at St Martin in the Fields. The struggle goes on. There’s a lot of people who need our help. Countersniper punditry can lick itself
I used to work for the USSS. I knew countersniper guys but worked in a different niche specialist role. A lot of the commentary right now ranges from unhelpful to actively harmful.
If you're interested in military innovation, connectivity and changing patterns of participation in war then maybe give my Open Access [FREE] article in International Affairs "From innovation to participation: connectivity and the conduct of contemporary warfare" academic.oup.com/ia/article/1...
From innovation to participation: connectivity and the conduct of contemporary warfareacademic.oup.com How does access to the internet shape a modern war? The smartphone is constantly reworking the way society participates in situations of crisis and conflic
I'm working on my latest book and it requires me to write about the Holocaust. I'm finding it a struggle to write accurately and well without it getting to me. I can only do it in small bursts and, honestly, I need people to tell me it's OK and not weird. On the other place I just get hatred
Furthest I've been: N: Tromso, Norway S: Te Anau, NZ E and W: Guam
Furthest I've been: N: Birsay, mainland Orkney E: Krakow S: Syracuse W: Iona
Today I find myself writing about this guy, Jan Zwartendijk. During a brief period in 1940 in Kaunas, Lithuania, he managed to issue over 2000 Dutch visas to Curaçao, which allowed many Polish and Lithuanian Jews to escape the Holocaust.
"The detailed plans for authoritarian theocratic takeover we wrote for Donald Trump, in consultation with Trump advisers, which Trump staffers are promoting, have nothing to do with Trump," implore authors of Trumpist authoritarian plan. "We fear if Americans hear about it they'll oppose him."
If you've come here from X we're not having the same issue on this platform as we have there. The link to this article is still being miscategorized as spam despite our reports to X. The link to the investigation below should work on Bluesky as it appears to be an X only issue.
My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
The Tory MPs who wrote or defended the shockingly awful and unlawful blacklisting policies that sought to punish me and others… these specific MPs have lost their jobs. The people have smote the serpents. Thank you all.
I remember the Observer’s front page, the weekend after the 1997 election, and how happy and hopeful it made me feel. It seems quaint and naïve and from another age. amp.theguardian.com/politics/199...
I'm exhausted. I was up all night at the count. Saw a lot of ballots. (I was a LibDem counting agent.)
Long night. I’m at my local count
I love the BBC’s election coverage. nothing to do until polls close so we just have Larry the cat footage
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Someone to me, today: "Young man, young people like you should be more grateful and vote Tory." I'm 55 years old. Kind of says it all
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Also tired of silly "copyright is nothing, man, your content should be free" folk complaining about me complaining about piracy of my written work.