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Living on Gubbi Gubbi country and loving life.
Purveyor of mediocre haiku and bad humour. #F1 & #Auspol too. You’ve been warned 🤗

Not so tenacious after all?
David Pope in Canberra Times
Matt “10,000 Adani Jobs” showing he’s still one sandwich short of a lunchbox.
Somehow the forgotten people have morphed into the lunchbox Australians. If you're out there lunchboxes, Matty Canavan is doing something for you. #auspol
There’s something deeply ancestral about yarning round a fire.
Since ancient times, it has been the power of fire that has drawn people together. However, it is the power of stories that has kept them there.
Reposted byAvatar JRBsays
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Oscar Wild said that “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” So what art is America imitating
Let me guess, they’ll all wear the same colour shirts 🤔
Project 2025 is the plan for US authoritarianism. It would place 10,000 loyalist Trumpsters inside the administration in order to expand the president's power, advancing his agenda without hindrance from unelected federal officials. www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07...
The conservative 'battle plan' to give Trump unprecedented powerwww.abc.net.au Trump's march to re-take the White House continues with renewed determination. If he wins he'll have an "army" of 10,000 recruits at his disposal to help implement his controversial agenda.
I guess if you’re going to clear the swamp, start with a Vance.
JD Vance Sounds like a cocktail at gay club 🤔
Wishing England victory over Spain. I hope you’re out in force on Plymouth Hoe playing bowls.
When you walk around your paradise home and know it’s nothing without your wife.
I’ve been wanting to read Hannah Ardendt for quite some time. Looking around the world of Kate, I feel the time has come. www.goodreads.com/book/show/39...
The Origins of Totalitarianismwww.goodreads.com Hannah Arendt's definitive work on totalitarianism and …
As if they’d allow flies in their castle 🙄
Oh sweet jesus really
Three reasons “you” won’t return after this life. The idea that "you" persist after death does not hold up to the current understanding of memory and identity. bigthink.com/culture-reli...
3 reasons “you” won’t return after this lifebigthink.com The idea that "you" persist after death does not hold up to the current understanding of memory and identity.
I find myself home alone this weekend as my better-half is still in the UK and the son at home is partying in BrisbaneZ On a whim I purchased a ticket to see The Bikeriders thus afternoon. I’ve checked that it finishes after the Harley Davidson dealers shuts.
“All the thoughts and feelings are ultimately pointless or nonsense. We are like children pretending to drive a car — it can be great fun, but we are really not in charge.” Looks like the author’s been on Bluesky. bigthink.com/thinking/epi...
Epiphenomenalism: One of philosophy's most disturbing ideasbigthink.com According to epiphenomenalism, we are like children pretending to drive a car — it can be great fun, but we are really not in charge.
Ciucinciu Tiberius Swan(ee) River
Dear CNN, You do realise we can all use AI to get our own news for free, but we’ve chosen to pay for humans to provide it. Why would anyone pay you money for this now?
the state of journalism.
with hands a shaking your umbilical cord cut now, you are married #haiku
I’ve keep being hit by waves of emotion each time I think of this very special #ProudDad day in Tuscany. What a wonderful day.
This 715-song playlist is scientifically verified to give you the chills, thanks to “frisson” Listening to some songs can cause a powerful physiological response known as “frisson.” What is it, and why does it happen? bigthink.com/neuropsych/f...
This 715-song playlist is scientifically verified to give you the chills, thanks to "frisson"bigthink.com Listening to some songs can cause a powerful physiological response known as "frisson." What is it, and why does it happen?
Reposted byAvatar JRBsays
Folks, I may have a PhD in history-including US politics history-but the last several years I’ve been working in public health as a science writer. One of my areas of focus is Aging, including Alzheimer’s and related dementias (AD/RD). I find the discourse around Biden really troubling.