jschmeling.bsky.social followers

Kathleen Bachynski
Kathleen Bachynski
Assistant Professor of public health at Muhlenberg College. History, ethics, epidemiology, sports, injury prevention.
Audio Arguendo
Audio Arguendo
Podcasting oral arguments from the #SupremeCourt and notable cases from around the world. Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
מרדכי  יצחק 🇺🇸🗽✡️🕎🥯HONEST LIBERAL
מרדכי יצחק 🇺🇸🗽✡️🕎🥯HONEST LIBERAL
NYC, engineering manager, media, opinions are my own and not my employer's or anyone else's.
Crazy Phone Wallpaper
Crazy Phone Wallpaper
Mesmerizing crazy wallpepars
Expert apple eater. Rain jacket enjoyer. Let people Vote and Read. School lunches should be free/women should have autonomy. Support small media. #NoCutsToLibraries. Basic shit.
National Blood Poisoner
National Blood Poisoner
Defense. Future former soldier.
BU Pardee & UH alum.
Critically vulnerable to shitposts.
Poisoning the blood of this country.
Cat Owner
Cat Owner
I’m just a photogenic but I can’t take pictures of myself apart from my pussy Cat “meow”
Patricia Shannon
Patricia Shannon
M.A. in math. Devoted to love, truth, fairness, rationality. Lacto-vegetarian. Retired computer programmer/analyst. Songwriter.
Margaret Morris
Margaret Morris
American immigrant living between the Netherlands and France. Teach academic writing at a small liberal arts college in the Netherlands.
Photographer, Publisher, Earthling......
"The strength of the wolf is in the pack.
The strength of the pack is in the wolf."
Low Quality Facts
Low Quality Facts
Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.
Brad Howard
Brad Howard
News & National Security watcher - Defense focused, exUSAF MC-12 & E-3 Sentry guy. UNCW & AU alum, ex CNBC, WSJ Opinion, et al…

Food pic
Food pic
Mobile app with photography poses, ideas, and lighting setups.
Download app from App Store or Play Store or go to atlegras.com for more details.
Costa Samaras
Costa Samaras
Climate, energy, emerging tech, & policy professor. Director of the Carnegie Mellon University Institute for Energy Innovation. Former Biden-Harris White House OSTP Chief Advisor for the Clean Energy Transition. Personal account. He/Him. costasamaras.com
Lux in the Bronx 🎗️
Lux in the Bronx 🎗️
Caffeine powered, opinionated Jewish New Yorker with a spouse, several cats, an MBA, and a deep interest in yarn crafts. Also coffee, photography, the Mets, the NY Rangers, and travel. 🇺🇦🇮🇱
Andrew Facini
Andrew Facini
Nuclear weapons policy, history, cultural issues, and other things to help you sleep. Comms Director and Sr Fellow, Council on Strategic Risks. Teaching and such at Harvard Extension.
Matt Peterson
Matt Peterson
Ideas editor, Barron's. [email protected].
Risky Girl
Risky Girl
no more questions, no more answers
Cat photography
Cat photography
Post random cat contents and cat on demand ! 😺❤️
🌸みんなさん、こんにちは🌸ビリヤード愛好家🎱と写真好きのあたし📸からだを動かすのが大好きで、週末は登山にむけて💪あたしの日本への熱い愛情と特別な触れ合いを感じてください ❤️ 日本の文化と自然が一番!#天然愛好家 #日本文化 #ビリヤード
Katie Herrmann
Katie Herrmann
Lawyer. I make up songs about my dog and sing them to her. Sometimes I run into things.
Emad Saad🇵🇸✌🍉Palestinian never will be spam never harm people
Emad Saad🇵🇸✌🍉Palestinian never will be spam never harm people
Please, brothers, do not forget my family
It seems that Blue Sky blocked me again and I have nothing to do
Just you now
Can you please help me by donating or sharing this link for helping my family evacuate Gaza

Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Software engineer from gaza trying to survive

Follow me on instagram
Stan R. Mitchell 🇺🇸🇺🇦
Stan R. Mitchell 🇺🇸🇺🇦
Marine, optimist, and fan of politics, defense news, and motivation. Believer of unity and moderation. Also, people say my books and podcast rock.

Tim Mathews
Tim Mathews
Tired dad trapped in an attorney’s body, white-knuckling it until retirement. Dispenser of dog treats. Husband to a superhero wife. ☕️ 🏋️ 📚
Views are mine, not my employer’s.
Read this —> https://www.9marks.org/answer/what-gospel
Motor City
Sid Wishes
Sid Wishes
European post-punk neoliberal. I care about freedom, truth and accountability. Also fond of fun. Disinformation is poison.
“My biggest fear right now is that I'll wake up and this conversation won't be a dream.”
Aussie in Berlin.
Photography, travel, urbanism and data.
Mostly in English, manchmal auf Deutsch.
Just a man seeking non crazy in a crazy world
Tim Burks
Tim Burks
Enjoying the summer

Just another former grunt NCO with bad takes.
Sharan Grewal
Sharan Grewal
Assistant Professor at W&M
Nonresident senior fellow at Brookings
Research fellow at Harvard 2023-24

Me: https://sharangrewal.com/
My book: https://www.amazon.com/Soldiers-Democracy-Military-Legacies-Spring/dp/0198873514/
Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
Normative Theory of Civ-Mil | Lecturer in Government @Harvard | Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellow @Hebrew U | It's pronounced ah-vee-SHY.
Mark (Andrew) Witham ↗️
Mark (Andrew) Witham ↗️
A loving father who is passionate about mental health, science, reasoning, secular humanism, macro-economics, and universal basic income.

Founder BasicIncomeAction.org ↗️
Liberty Pocket ~ Cash app with a conscience(UBI) 💸
DMs Open ♥️ #UBI memes