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“My biggest fear right now is that I'll wake up and this conversation won't be a dream.”
Trump can't escape his last POTUS tenure and his hard as a rock ceiling. There is a sizeable number of people that simply will not, under any circumstances, vote for Trump. His last win was entirely predicated on people being willing to, "give him a chance." He got his chance. He shit the bed.
In his soft focus profile, Bender does not mention: Vance’s claim that he would have abetted Trump’s attempted coup, support for the racist “Great Replacement Theory” and denigration of immigrants, embrace of authoritarianism, and claim that people in “violent” marriages shouldn’t get divorced./6
IOW it's not a rooted in a "abortion is murder" claim, tho he sometimes adopts the affectations of it for the evangelical base, it's more directly a "white society/people must not be replaced" racism and a "the fundamental role of women is to look after children at home" paternalistic/misogynist one
Most folks won't notice this and the top-line is kinda similar, but perhaps worth calling out anyway: Vance's anti-abortionism is importantly /different/ to most evangelical anti-abortionism, tho the top-line is the same; it's secular white-nationalist rooted, not to a belief in pre-birth rights
From the JD Vance (Senate) campaign website. JD Vance would ban every single woman (or girl) from receiving an abortion, no matter the circumstances by which she was impregnated or the danger to her health. Maybe (just maybe) if she risks imminent death.
From the JD Vance (Senate) campaign website. JD Vance would ban every single woman (or girl) from receiving an abortion, no matter the circumstances by which she was impregnated or the danger to her health. Maybe (just maybe) if she risks imminent death.
I got to talk to Molly Jong-Fast about “Project 2025,” the Right’s radical plans to use government as an authoritarian tool to impose a reactionary vision on America. I know there’s been *a lot* of talk about “Project 2025” lately, but I think we do a good job cutting through the noise:
Project 2025: Trump’s Second Term Not-So-Secret Planwww.youtube.com If You're New Subscribe ► http://bit.ly/1Jy0DbODESC: Columnist Molly Jong-Fast and historian Thomas Zimmer about Project 2025—a controversial roadmap unveile...
If you want to know more about “Project 2025,” I wrote a four-part series about the worldview of the people behind it, the policy agenda and detailed plans “Project 2025” has produced, and what this all tells us about today’s radicalizing Right:
Allies Against Democracy: Trump and Project 2025thomaszimmer.substack.com Trump is not the mastermind behind Project 2025. It’s worse: The rightwing establishment has radicalized to the point where their plans are entirely in line with his vengeful desires
J.D. Vance's horrendous record of homophobia and transphobia www.advocate.com/politics/jd-...
I mean, it's like the Trolley Problem, but with the future of the whole planet and the concept of empathy and kindness tied to the tracks on one side, and barrel filled with pus and bile on the other. Neither is something you really want to see, but I know which way I'd pull the lever.
my mom put this in my whole family group chat last night
It's been nearly ten years now that you have to think about this dude every day, and he fucking sucks. Just watching the same episode of Mama's Family on every channel for a decade. It is normal to want that to end.
"A group of D.C journalists who worked at a local news site that was abruptly shuttered by NPR affiliate WAMU earlier this year are launching their own nonprofit devoted to covering community news of Washington...It will be operated as a worker-run newsroom" www.washingtonpost.com/style/media/...
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for Washingtonwww.washingtonpost.com The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
I also think the things that attract people to the institution are wholly different. When you grow up in the Church, a lot of the staying power is about community and ritual. If you’re attracted to it later in life because of esoteric theology, you’re gonna have some weird ideas.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Unemployed person goes to America.
i'm not reading the fucking news. whatever is happening is going to happen whether i know about it or not and frankly i'm tired of knowing things
This same person, just a day later, retweeted Laura Loomer, the rabid Islamophobe who, a month and a half ago, called for elected Democrats to get the death penalty.
The chair of the Marion County (OR) GOP had a very commendable and appropriate response to the unhinged saber rattling of Ivan Raiklin immediately after Trump was shot. For his trouble he got singled out for harassment by Raiklin. But before we dispense too many kudos....
The U.S. has followed a conservative ideology about investment in public infrastructure systems for over a hundred years, and as a result regular people bear private costs to have basic essentials like clean, high quality water. We don't have to do this. www.statesman.com/story/news/l...
In east Travis County, community with water quality complaints organizes against rate hikewww.statesman.com Residents of one east Travis County community have some of the highest water rates in region. Now they face a rate hike.
If you care about women's rights, protecting Medicare and Social Security, or safeguarding democracy on the whole, you should be concerned about Project 2025. Last week, writer Jay Kuo broke down this radical agenda for a second Trump term in a piece of essential reading from The Big Picture.
Breaking Down Project 2025thinkbigpicture.substack.com We took on Project 2025 issue by issue so you don't have to.
A great illustration of how class is just vibes is that only one major party ticket is entirely Ivy League alumni and it’s the one that yells about the elites selling you out