

Same. My amazing trainer* mixes up/balances out exertion/diff body areas, even some mobility/cardio for good measure once in a while, but always slowly pushing me to exceed recent achievement. Trust him implicitly; makes it easy for me: "What do I do next, boss?" *and lovely human being.
Oh, this is such a total delight. (The photo is pretty cool, too.)
"You big liar" is often heard in my household.
I planted some from bareroot in a container. They're growing -- slowly. Catalog said they could take a season to "get used to" new home. Also wondering how they'll do in zone 7b winter, although those have been getting milder and milder. They are, indeed, splendid.
I agree 2000 was the turning point. I might be getting to the point where I agree with your thoughts about the Dems, too (although I'll still vote for them).
Oh Jesus H. Christ. I understood reticence about this earlier and maybe sort of could have been persuaded by those arguments a few years ago. But if these aren't desperate times now, I don't know what are.
Ooh, is that agapanthus upper left? Whatever it is, it's gorgeous. So are the other photos.
Thanks. This is very helpful.
I had the very same thought earlier today -- like a nightmare that just won't end.
Five * fucking great * days for democracy and common decency.
I've been trying (not altogether successfully) to stick to the #gardening feed. It helps -- a little.
Oh, but he's such a * nice * man! Everyone says so!
They are just always so gorgeous.
Thank you. I def know what Johnson's blue is, so that's a great comparison, and the rest was really helpful too. I do have some plumbago, which, when I finally found a spot it liked, is doing ok. I love brunnera but am too cheap to shell out for plants. I'll have to look into the others. Tx again!
Gonna be hanging out on the #gardening feed to quell my anxiety. (OK, I'll check the news a little, but mostly flowers all day long.)
Is that as true blue (i.e., not purplish) as it looks in the photo? Like a blue delphinium kind of blue? (I can't grow delphiniums in my hot, humid 7B garden, unfortunately. This is as close to anything I've seen that resembles that color.) Anyway, it's gorgeous.
Yep. I remember her too. Those arrogant fucks.
They were awful then and they're even worse now. Jesus Effing Christ.
Well, it's been a fucking great past 14 hours here in the USA.
No question. I'm just not sure I have faith in the American public that enough of them will understand this fundamental point -- or at least enough in swing states in this insane electoral system we're shackled with. All a girl can do is hope, I guess. And get out the vote.
God, I hope you're right.
But thank you for watching so I didn't have to.
I broke out the bourbon about 10 minutes ago, after I gave Elderly Cat his evening meds.
I hope you are armed with a martini.
Me too. And for the record, I don't watch horror movies.
You are a brave and heroic soul.
Thank you. This gave me a much-needed laugh on this anxiety-filled day. In fact, I'm still laughing. And out loud, too.
Rocket-propelled grenade launchers -- no home should be without one.