
Had an interaction where I was talking about 2A stuff, homesteading, minor prepping, backwoods survival stuff, in a call of duty lobby. Some dude pipped up and was like “are u married? U’d make a great wife” etc and I was like nah, and they were like y? And I was like, cuz I’m a raging communist.
Interactions like these firmly cement my belief that the word “communist” is useless in todays vernacular if you’re speaking to normies. Much to the chagrin of anarchist memelords, optics are important in creating solidarity, and also weeding out undesirables. Y’all aren’t out here talking to folks.
Like dude I get it, I really do. But why alienate the uneducated or under informed off the rip. It’s like watching liberals get into petty Facebook arguments. You’re not changing anything in a comment section, and your not accomplishing praxis by burning down a mom and pop.
it's part of why i removed communist out of my bio because like yes i am but now i get liberals following me who go "hey katie you're right about this" and that's what matters
no emojis in bio = devious entryism
never heard that term before. had no clue my strategy had a name
you know who ELSE was entryist
I see an interesting parallel. So many folks seem to go Communist as a first move into Leftist from Liberal in part because for so long U.S. society saw Us vs Them as Freedom vs Communism and when you figure out "Freedom" is bullshit just flipping over is the obvious path forward.
I find the majority of people I know jumped both feet first into anarchism.
I never use Communist words, but people keep being able to tell I'm a dirty pinko anarchist because I say things like "all cops are bastards" and "prisons shouldn't exist" and even "jobs are bullshit".
Yo it’s early af in the morning and I read this wrong and was about to try and gently explain why all of those are correct but I’m a fucking idiot so I deleted that response lmao.
I'll give you credit for the deleted post; I'm never gentle when I explain why all those things are correct.
That’s kinda where it’s at right now. Especially when it comes to liberals. Generally these people are smart and educated and almost there but they need a GENTLE push. Start yelling and they shut down just the same as ur average trump voter. And their heart is in the right place.
When we have these conversations we must speak with confidence and evidence, empathy and personal anecdote. Which is why I’m talking about optics here. You will always make more leftists with honey than with shit.
i mean, i really am a liberal and i often look at communists and that general space and think, "they got some good ideas and often a heart in the right place" lots of these ideologies are fundamentally compatible with each other if you share a foundation of human rights and dignity
maybe you're less of a liberal than you think tbh. generally the fundamental difference is a belief that the status quo, while it may have some kinks, is Good
nah, I'm a liberal because I ideologically affirm the unalienable rights and responsibilities of individuals within a societal context that's going to look different than someone being a "liberal" because then they're not conservative (nor any broadly disparaged political group active in the US)
hmmmm i think we are using liberal in different ways here. it's a bit of a confusing word tbh
Is that why you work on optical targeting systems in your defense contractor job?
funniest part about all of this is that generally the people I see online complaining about “tankies don’t do anything!” or “I don’t owe anything to those people.” I don’t see in real life organizing. Like who exactly are you trying to save then? Cuz if it’s just you and yours what’s the point.
leftism is frequently a form of larp
One hundred percent. And an online persona is one thing. It’s what you’re actually doing for the cause that matters. And sometimes that means people don’t see it, but that also doesn’t matter. Because once again if you’re doing it to be seen that’s fucking stupid.