Cascade Fresh🍦

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Cascade Fresh🍦

fourth-tier internet zelig. computer frenemy, incremental abolitionist. “the paul erdős of posting”, says one wag
“Fewer dead people? lol call me back when there’s no dead people.” -Guy who doesn’t give a shit how many dead people there are
(extremely Eddie Vedder on the chorus of the song “Whipping”, track 6 of Vitalogy (1994) voice) pooping
alright fine, what’s a discord
the only weeb i respect is tolkien, who made up a whole elf culture and language so he could be a weeb about it. an eäboo
MAJOR-GENERAL Stanley enters, sings: I am the microplastics found in every human testicle I come from sources various, imported and domestical Although I am unlikely to eventuate sterility There’s no way I can be good news for gonadal fertility
if work gave you the day off for juneteenth a cool thing to do is donate your day's wages to an organization or individual that would materially improve the lives of Black people in this country! it's my bday you have to do what i say
e/acc but it's accessibility.
What’s the domino meme of your life? Me, I’m gonna go with “In 1997 I pretend to be a girl in an IRC channel about Winamp skins –> January 6”
What's the biggest example of the domino meme in my life? I'm gonna have to go with "I got bored on the sleepy overnight shift at the data center -> Russia invaded Ukraine".
Heard that Paul Giamatti is going to be in a new Star Trek show and my immediate and now entrenched opinion is that I need him to be the worlds pissiest Klingon
Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself, I am dumb, I am a huge fucking angry idiot
it worries me that i see so many wildly different accounts of what bsky is like, from people w/ similar backgrounds. if there’s a kind of virulent bigotry being hidden from many of us by the algorithmic curation and aggressive block, that’s a p bad sign.
(at the weak men support group) you know what would toughen you all up is some hard times. now go out there and create them! you can do it, i believe in you
what if chotiner interviewed columbo
you, a soy pleb luddite: “it says you should eat rocks because of a single reddit post” me, e/acc chad who Builds Things: umm edge cases much? v2 will improve v1’s edge semantics. v3 will compensate for v2’s distortion from training on v1. soon it will be MUCH harder for you to notice how it works!
me my sensibilities are entirely on-kilter. whimsy on lockdown. unquirked
getting in trouble with liberal stem majors and leftist english majors for calling joe biden “ineluctable”
i don’t see a cybertruck that often but when i do it always looks like a knockoff cybertruck
smoking that куст that kept masha gessen
i have a joke about polyamory but i don’t feel like sharing it
I have a joke about mussolini but I can’t type upsidedown
at a corporate numbers presentation that's very technical except for the part where they're really excited about creating hashtag #value
nyt stooping to mind games to try to beat me at catan
i love reading port 8080
U2 would sound a lot more relaxed if its guitarist would just jerk off already
happy earth day! fuck off mars, you piece of shit!!!
“seems fine” — no one in dune at any point
they were so fine, and so young; it was easy to forget that they were cannibals