
I wrote about our nation's cult of supremacist bullies, who we're constantly told are better than we think, even as they prove themselves worse than we can imagine. The moral emptiness of moral authority they demand, and how their pig president reflects it.
The Moral Our country's self-professed moral authorities haven't only failed to be as good as they claim to be. They've proved themselves worse than many of us are able to imagine.
Great piece, minor addition: the expensive haircuts and professionally confused faces also buy into the pig president’s shenanigans because they’ve been sharing undergrad dorm rooms with people whose immense wealth is underwritten by the status quo and they fear that’ll slip away if society changes.
Brilliant. I needed that.
Thank you for all of your writing; I needed that. However, I do wish you'd not insult pigs so horribly. One of my best friends, and one of the kindest and wisest beings I've known, was Jasper the hog, who does not deserve to be compared to that monster. Info:
Sample: "Pigs possess a well-developed, large brain and are widely known to be highly inquisitive, with considerable learning and problem-solving abilities. They have an outstanding ability to learn from experience, and combine new information with previously remembered events. ..."
“Now, and at last, …it's time for… puncturing of the reputational immunity that our cult of supremacists enjoys…”
…professionally confused faces… truer words…
One of the most salient points in here is how truly naked and empty their desire for power is: a type of dumb, directionless fascism that punishes everyone but them.
…because even though he will definitely hurt them, they believe he'll hurt other people considerably more…
This has been their living philosophy since at least the Reagan years. They refuse to own that their cowardly victories in suppressing Others worked so well that their personal existence is unnecessarily miserable. They had the option to make things to turn out differently. Now we all suffer.
…bootstraps… sacrifice… tough love… gonna hurt me more than you… jesus died… bleeding heart liberals… …pain fetish… dishonest dodge from serving others… hand in hand with mindless gorging at the public trough…
Our betters also try to prevent us from enjoying any small win. No matter how insignificant in the big picture or fleeting. Elite so called defenders against supremacist bullies are really committed to the bit part they play.
Após Trump se tornar o primeiro presidente dos EUA a ser condenado por um crime, seus apoiadores responderam com dezenas de postagens violentas online. Convocam revolta e despertam medo de guerra civil. Em um país de população fortemente armada, falam em "guerra civil" e "insurreição armada".
Look forward to reading — but maybe let’s not libel pigs!