
It always astounds me how cartoonishly stupid the far right are. For all their highbrow talk of classical western civilization and obsession with IQ they're just a bunch of losers yelling at meteorologists for not making the weather be good.
Project 2025 describes NOAA as a “colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future US prosperity” NOAA is primarily responsible for the National Weather Service
Trump will dismantle key US weather and science agency, climate experts fear | Donald Trump | The Plan to break up Noaa claims its research is ‘climate alarmism’ and calls for commercializing forecasts, weakening forecasts
Look noaa embarassed donald during hurricane season by correcting him. They gotta go.
There is just gigabytes of trump lore i wish i didnt know.
This is basically a move to privatize these services, through companies like Accuweather, by giving them the rights to sell data owned by the public. With 2025, It’s difficult to decide on dishonesty or stupidity, especially when trolling is the essential m.o. of the movement.
The success of contemporary conservatism depends in large measure on burying facts and fostering widespread ignorance.
I once wrote an angry letter to my local meteorologist (Al Roker) complaining that he had not delivered the weather he promised (snow). But, in my defense, I was 5 and the letter was written in crayon.
It's the pro-sharpie crowd.
Feels a lot like “COVID cases would go down if we stopped recording them” logic
And for all their talk of meritocracy, they consider it their legacy—their birthright—to have the system break in their favor at every turn. It's the mentality of trust fund babies, but as a basis for society itself.
They’re stuck in a teenage mindset of, “my singular experience informs me of how the entire world works. Everything has simple, obvious solutions and no amount of complexity or input from others with more knowledge will change my priors.” Until something affects them… then it’s complex and nuanced.
This fits into the broader pattern of their belief there is no objective reality, just whatever the most powerful voice says it is. 1/2
2/2 The clearest example is Trump pitching a fit when Fox called AZ for Biden. All polls were closed, nationwide. Fox 'calling' it couldn't alter any votes, counted or not. But to Trump, and his ilk, they'd changed reality by making a statement. (See also: Magic Sharpie Hurricane Paths).
Fuck the people who live in tornado or hurricane zones and would like a little advanced warning, I guess? They're such short-sighted bastards.
Private industry (Sinclair broadcasting) will surely pick up the slack. Maybe even gain some government kickbacks out of the deal.
Pretty sure all these guys/groups are just cut outs for some ind/mil/fossil fuel billionaires and hedge fund guys, supported by a bunch of small town landed gentry used car dealership corporations
No. They're yelling at them because they KNOW the fossil fuel business causes climate change, and that any serious regulations to slow climate change will cut into not only their profits but their entire business model, and right-wingers are the most effective at stopping that from happening.
The guy who founded the (for profit) Accuweather is a big turmp supporter.
Could someone inform them that facts don't care about their feelings?
It’s an eternal alliance between grifters and people whose core principle is “Don’t tell me what to do! You’re not my mom!”
Businesses that rely on the national weather service daily need to be pushing back on this hard.
Dangerous idiots. I miss the time when knowledge, science, education, all were prized by both the left and right.
Primarily the NWS yes, but they also do a lot of climate monitoring and handle marine endangered species management and fisheries. While privatizing weather forecasting would be a bonus for them, it’s the latter parts they really want to kill.
Probably added in there as Trump’s personal payback for the sharpie debacle
Every Banana Republic joke is coming home to roost.