Justin Byrne

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Justin Byrne


Irish Environmentalist. #Aarhus #SDGs #CircularEconomy #FBPE Cyclist
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The species here is a hybrid of St Patrick's cabbage with just a touch of kidney saxifrage. 🌏
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There's something especially alluring about flowering epiphytes, like this saxifrage. It's as if the very rainforest itself is in flower. 🌏
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
if only there was a word for "displacing" an "entire population" of people using "military ground operations"
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | CNNwww.cnn.com Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
If you live in N. America, food you eat is probably grown in the orange “major heat risk” strip in California's Central Valley. The heat threatens crops, farmworkers & our entire food system. This is our planet at 1.2 degrees of warming yet California is STILL approving new oil wells. #ClimateSky 🔌💡
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Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
This is the point of flooding the zone with fossil fuel talking points. The general public absorbs them and distorts them even further, and supposedly knowledgeable journeys and politicians reflect them.
This @theausinstitute.bsky.social survey illustrates kind of perfectly why the fossil fuel industry spends so much marketing spend talking about jobs, economics and how dependent government revenue is on fossil fuels. australiainstitute.org.au/wp-content/u...
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
And change the message to "unattended Tories in the bagging area"
If Labour can immediately fix self-checkouts so that when it says "card only" you don't still have to choose card as a payment method when you checkout that would probably be enough to keep people happy for the first week or so.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
Absolutely this. The BBC in particular need to significantly up their game now that Farage and Tice aren't paid pundits, but the equalivalents of Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsey as senior figures in parties with 4 MPs. I'm not confident our media is up to the challenge.
It says everything you need to know about the British media that the Greens winning 4 seats is a curiosity and their interview questions have been about their message not getting through but according to them Reform winning an identical number of seats is a stunning underdog achievement.
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Anyone want to take bets on whether the Greens or Reform will have more appearances on #BBCQT.
Typical coverage on #C4BritainDecides the graphic shows reform with 4 seats but the Greens, who also have 4 seats are listed in "others" I suppose it will be like that for the next 5 years.
Now I want to stay up and party. Truss is out.
I can't go to bed until this is decided.
Bbc forecasting that the lettuce has lost
Full recount called in East Derry apparently they found an uncounted bundle of Sinn Fein votes ! Annual Why is this not a surprise.
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Bringing lynx home to Ireland wouldn't just help revive ailing ecosystems. Sharing the land again with this exquisite cat would add a spark of frisson to our own lives, expanding our imaginative universe into new realms. Let's do this. #Rewilding 🌍
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
In fact, the electoral map of central Scotland looks markedly different to how it stood in May. I don't think that the SNP's shift to the right or downgrading of climate have stood to it. That said, we're going to have to hold Starmer's and Sarwar's toes to the fire for serious climate action.
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Photo from David Hetherington + Laurent Geslin's brilliant book 'The Lynx and Us', published by Scotland the Big Picture, which I can't recommend highly enough. 🌏 It's also available to download as a free ebook here: scotlandbigpicture.com/store/ebooks/t…
| SCOTLAND: The Big Picturescotlandbigpicture.com A stunning range of high quality ebooks focused on rewilding in Scotland.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
Lynx serve many crucial ecological roles, yet are solitary, secretive animals only a little bigger than a labrador dog. They very rarely attack livestock or pets, and *never* people. We need to be talking about their reintroduction to Ireland. 🌎
I can't go to bed until this is decided.
It's a race for lettuce Liz Who can stay awake for the potentially most Portillo of moments?
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
Did the greens just win Weavney Green? Will that put them on 3 seats?
Delighted for the greens but it's a pity that they took out Thangam Debbonaire.
The frightening thing about trump is that he tells us what he is going to do but we don't believe him, and then are surprised when he does it.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Byrne
Losing almost 20,000 votes, and having the pro-Gaza independent coming in second - well ahead of the Greens, Tories and Reform - shows that Starmer's stance on Israel and Palestine has lost many Labour voters. Probably his Brexit statements too.
In terms of pure numbers, Keir Starmer’s vote has been cut in half. Obviously he’s still won. But this has to prompt some serious soul-searching in him as to why he’s lost so much popularity. As the swings show, part of that is his callous indifference to suffering in Gaza.
Are any of the #conservative candidates wearing a rosette. It's almost as if they didn't want to admit they were Tories. #C4BritainDecides
I was wondering the same thing. There used to be a monster raving loony and official monster raving loony in every constituency.
What's happened to all the joke candidates - Reform Party excepted?
Galloway gone. One less gadfly in the parliament. #C4BritainDecides