Sean Carroll

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Sean Carroll

General enthusiast | Dog botherer | He/Him
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
and I’m on the radio in an hour! No fascists, just good music on Sheffield Live!
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
Reform didn't perform as well as media predicted. National Rally didn't perform as well as the media predicted. It's almost as if the media is part of the problem.
Dear USA, No pressure. Yours etc,
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
Oh wow, have lots of new followers, so enjoy some freebie download codes for my album The Pivot, which is a fair representation of my music: gkff-cwh2 ynax-cspc 3a9j-xsbw d6yr-edd4 syua-3dwa s25g-hhdb j4xc-y7vx 7ccq-bv6p lhh7-c98n qqcx-w87j fbss-h2qk 5x4s-5dk8
This burst over us about three minutes after this photo was taken
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
why did we stop sending men to the moon. So many men could fit up there
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
If we could all collectively agree that Robert Jenrick isn't a thing that would be great, thanks.
make a band more fish: My Life With the Brill Krill Kult
make a band more fish: The Holy Modal Flounders
As much as this is directed at the US press where it makes an actual difference to a fascist being elected, this should be mandatory for a whole bunch of the UK punditocracy too
Why is the pundit class so desparate to push Biden out of the race? | Rebecca Yes, Biden had a bad debate – but so did Trump. The media is once again repeating the mistakes of 2016
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
England go through on penalties but with less share of the vote than Jeremy Corbyn had in 2017.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
that was a terrible game for the neutrals #thefootball
That Toney penalty was absolutely ridiculous #TheFootball
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
I cannot for the life of me understand why England and France, the two best European sides at the World Cup, are both now playing like this Simpsons soccer match.
The Simpsons take on This is the hilarious take on how most of the US views soccer, as seen in The Simpsons episode "The Cartridge Family" (season 9, episode 5).http://en.wikiped...
Make a band more vegetable: Cress
Make a band more vegetable: Zucchini Kill
Make a band more vegetable: AuberGene
Make a band more vegetable: Public Spinach Ltd
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
Love the obvious hat tip to Free Derry Corner in this new Welsh mural. 👊
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
Look, it’s great to make “key” jokes about Timpson being in the cabinet but it’s also a clear sign that this government is not just for the well-heeled.
That was the best extra time I've seen for ages, bunch of chances, a late goal, a really daft red card, an even later goa-ohhh. Proper fun.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
The BBC’s “Seats Changed” map is wild. You can now walk from the coast of North Devon up to Bicester and then down to Eastbourne without ever leaving newly Lib Dem seats. Tired: The Blue Wall Wired: The YELLOW SNAKE
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
This is a picture of a newly discovered pool never seen before by human eyes 700 ft deep in Lechuguilla Cave a part of Carlsbad National Park here in New Mexico
In biscuit news, these are the absolute shit.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
If Labour can immediately fix self-checkouts so that when it says "card only" you don't still have to choose card as a payment method when you checkout that would probably be enough to keep people happy for the first week or so.
Reposted byAvatar Sean Carroll
Absolutely this. The BBC in particular need to significantly up their game now that Farage and Tice aren't paid pundits, but the equalivalents of Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsey as senior figures in parties with 4 MPs. I'm not confident our media is up to the challenge.
It says everything you need to know about the British media that the Greens winning 4 seats is a curiosity and their interview questions have been about their message not getting through but according to them Reform winning an identical number of seats is a stunning underdog achievement.
Minor thing...but I live in the constituency next door to Fazia Shaheen and she was already hugely popular and ran a campaign focused on the local issues she's championed for years. The folks lumping her in with single-issue pro-Gaza candidates are doing her a massive disservice.
One of the best albums ever - do yourself a favour and check this out.
Anyone want a CD*? New Kingdom - Paradise Don’t Come Cheap. From 1996 and described by Discogs as Abstract, Electronic Hip Hop. Not rare but well worth a spin. *I have got two copies - don’t ask - and as I don’t have a CD Player, they need a new home. Free to UK . If interested then pop me a DM.