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He/Him. 41. Gay. Partnered. Writer. Board gamer. Bird watcher. Tarot reader. Cat dad. Trans supporter. Enemy of fascists and naz*s. Black Lives Matter. Western Chicago suburbs.
After yesterday’s fascist treadmill conversation, today felt nice at the gym. Got eyed up and down and smiled at by a really cute guy. I’ll take it!
My ear buds are dead, and the two fucking morons next to me are talking about how great Tr**p is and how all of the democrats are brainwashed. Then one, after talking about being in prison, goes, “I could kill 3 of them before anyone could stop me.” Is this enough to report to management?
Y’all. The chiro cost me $147. That estimate apparently scares everyone.
Gotta say, Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes has gotten me through a lot of shitty days. I think I’m nearing the end, as I just have two people left to find. One is gonna be a huge pain in the dick, and the other…🤷🏻‍♂️ Love the card game and races and cookoffs. Hate the fucking top battles. Ugh.
Cool. Just got an estimate for the chiropractor. $500 fucking dollars just to SEE THE GUY. How is that real?! I can’t afford that. Just to TALK TO a guy. Fucking fuck.
Today could have been the best day of the year. Missed it by THAT much.
But I DID figure out that if I jam a lacrosse ball in my armpit, it lessens the pain tremendously. Wish I’d have discovered that three days ago. I can actually function!
Made a chiropractor appointment for Monday. Not looking forward to being physically vulnerable with a stranger. But I hope he can figure out what the fuck is wrong with me. The best part of not having insurance is I don’t have to get a referral. I can just…go.
There’s a strange man in my bedroom today. And earlier there was a woman in there whom I’ve been paying. Renting is fun. And now we have new blinds.
Just preordered one of my holy grail board games: Bus. October can’t come soon enough.
Slept a few more hours sitting up. Oof.
Well, got about 3 hours of sleep. Then I woke up, jaw clenched, sweaty. Blinding pain. This is not getting better. Why do I live in a country where I contemplate death before medical bills?
Tried to go to game night, but the shoulder/arm pain is just too bad to concentrate. I had to come home. Now I feel like an intruder in my own home because Tuesday is Robb’s alone night.
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Time for an economics lesson.
Angered my neck and right shoulder somethin’ fierce while sleeping. Woke up to pain and no pillow situation could make it better all night. This morning I have some numbness in my left arm and some pain down my right arm when I stretch my neck. This is fine. I’m fine. No insurance, no problem!
Just casual dad looks today.
Mini golf with my nephew and sister and her husb was great! It was Lucas’s first time mini golfing, so that was equal let’s heartwarming and hilarious. We got rained on a tiny bit, but it felt great. And then I took a 3-hour nap.
Going to take my sister, her husband, and my li’l nephew mini golfing and go kart racing. They’re in town from Washington. I haven’t seen my nephew in years. He’s so big!
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If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
Yeah, lunch was good. The bowl looked prettier before I dug into it. Whoops. Couldn’t wait. Haven’t had Milkis since high school. So good!
Spend our most violently American holiday at the Asian grocery mega mart, H Mart. We ate at the food court (I had tonkatsu that was to die for, and he had a salmon poke bowl) and then shopped for random neat snacks. We got a pink pineapple, some neat drinks, and chips of all kinds. Yum!
Did a tarot reading about all the shit going on in the country. Whether it’s right or not, it gives me hope. It says this is a scrimmage, not a real battle, that we won’t end up destitute and out on our ass like I fear, and that someone with some new ideas is coming. If it brings you hope, great.
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Many hours into Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes, and if anything happens to Pohl, I’ll be so upset. He’s adorable.
Going to have a huge polish food dinner tonight, and if I said I was excited for pierogis, I’d be understating it by magnitudes of unimaginable heft.
Got to play Pampero last night. Seems like it’s not getting that much buzz but it’s SO GOOD. Way easier to play than it looks, and so satisfying setting up a sustainable power grid in Uruguay.