
If Biden is polling behind Trump in New Mexico, we're talking about a total blowout.
You can't keep telling people that this is a media narrative. It's not. People saw the debate, they watched the president mutter incoherently through most of it.
the people advancing a good-faith argument for sticking with Biden aren't saying his poor debate performance is a media narrative—they're saying the extent to which the media (+ Dem elites) are engaged in a days-long freakout over Biden's performance is driving a narrative with low-info voters
media choosing an issue and focusing on it almost exclusively can drive a lot of the discourse, especially in politics. and the voters are responding to that, which is what you are seeing in the polling.
Look at the numbers before the debate. -5% in Pennsylvania means he was toast before the debate. Losing NH before the debate? These numbers arent serious. But guess puck is just going to keep it up. 🤦
That's how my stomach felt at the debate. But I'm ready for them to rip off the bandaid, I think.
Puck news WTF rag is this an anti Biden pro 🤡 rag that poll your referring to where'd you dig that one up at 🖕 your polls 🤡 boy is a convicted felon will not be president ever.
And I suspect they'll keep coming. The stress of all this has to be taking a toll on the guy - normal presidents age fast, I don't think we considered what the presidency would do to an already aged one.
This poll was famously right! Romney led Obama through the first two weeks of October. Obama did much better in the second debate, just as Romney's campaign started floundering. Things picked up in late October. Do we think Biden can get back on the horse and win the next debate? I sure don't.
Just going to leave both of these here
Obama lost that debate in October. Its freaking July 2.
Seems like personal wish casting more than anything with historical precedent. Name me the last debate that had any effect on the likely winner of the Presidency? 1960 maybe. First televised one.