Boeing is pleading guilty to a fraud that killed over 300 people. Their punishment is fines. At least one person made a decision to perpetuate this fraud, so why is nobody going to jail? If corporations have the same rights as people, they should face the same criminal liabilities as well.
hey MSNBC…fuck all the way off…you fear porno makers!! Biden will be re-elected and then you can all get fired ...
The biggest fuck you to every stupid American that would vote for Tramp over Biden. You make the population of 1930s Germany look like scholars. Dont let the NYT gaslight you that Biden cant do the job. He can…Tramp only does what Putin tells him to do. FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR ANY GOP
Time to start eliminating the fascist GOP element in our country…they need to disappear….permanently…is there a plan?
In preparation for the Biden and Trump presidential debate today.
Are there plans to assassinate Tramp if he steals the election and declares himself dic(k)tator???
Its time to purge the Supreme Court of the right wing bought off traitors to democracy. They need to be eliminated.
So sick of the media making it seem like Tramp is neck and neck with Biden…this election will not be close. The GOP is going out of business in November. Orange dumbfuck will rot in prison and MAGA will re-org ….count on it...
The stakes, not the odds, for this incredibly important Presidential race. Excellent stuff!
A lot of things that Biden wants to do are things I think are good things we should do. A lot of things Trump wants to do are things I think are bad things we shouldn't do. Therefore I will be supporting Biden even though I don't agree with him on everything. This is not complicated.
If Biden loses in Nov, well, that’s a disaster for everybody, but not especially for Joe Biden, he’ll be okay (unless revenge indictments start flying) but if Trump loses, that’s 100% absolutely a massive catastrophic personal tragedy for him, and I really hope you all join me in making that happen
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
I have very, very, very, very, very direct experience with couples like the Alitos, as direct as can be without being related to them. The idea that a cretinous suburban NextDoor dullard gets to decide the future of my children and yours fills me with a feeling best described as "unhealthy."
The Supreme Court's FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine is not just about standing. It's about religion. As I predicted following argument, the Court has issued a new, expansive, and incorrect interpretation of federal conscience laws.
Germany’s AfD is so extreme it was kicked out of the far-right grouping in the European Parliament last month, but Elon Musk thinks their policies “don’t sound extremist.” That’s because he’s also a fascist.
Tramp is a russian groomed piece of traitorous shit..even a bullet is not enough punishment for him and his mob...
MSNBC shame on you trying to make orange assholes case for him…you cant both sides a traitorous criminal…oh wait…you did that in 2016….
Hey the golf tournament is about the golfers, not four morons in a split screen making football references to an uneducated viewership….dont let these fucks wreck another sport….
If you vote for a politician, you bear some responsibility if they get elected. If you choose not to do the only thing that could stop them, you bear less but still some responsibility if they get elected. You can tell yourself it’s 100% on other people, but that’s not how responsibility works.
the ESPN golf commentators are just awful…..loud and obnoxious….had to turn down the sound
Has Ukraine got their money yet from USA>>>?????????? Democratic minds want to know???
Putin a cap in David Dennison’s skull….
WASHINGTON (AP) — Pentagon set to send $1 billion package of military aid to Ukraine once bill clears Senate and Biden, US officials say.
Hello all! Tramp and Putin must be removed!