Justin Myers

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Justin Myers


Journalist, tinkerer, crocheter, 🟨⬜🟪⬛, dad. Married to @juliajrh.bsky.social.

Interactives editor, Chicago Sun-Times.

More active on Mastodon: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@myersjustinc
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If you're a journalist who used AT&T between May 1-October 31, 2022, you're going to want to revisit your call and text history from that time and see which of your sources you were communicating with. These records have been improperly secured by AT&T. www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2...
How to know if you were affected by the AT&T data breach and what to do nextwww.usatoday.com AT&T said Friday the call and text message records of nearly all of its cellular customers were exposed in a data breach. Here's what we know.
Made in the image of a God who defies all categorization. Proud to have been in the #Chicago #Pride parade yesterday with Church of the Three Crosses and the Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches! #nonbinary #UnitedMethodist #UnitedChurchOfChrist #christianity
About to board United #UA1062 LAS-ORD! Had a great (if quick) visit for #ewa24, including speaking about people knowing more than they give themselves credit for—and, of course, seeing friends old and new. Onward toward home!
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Recently, I began writing about what I’ve learned about how systems work. For example, if you were struck by @adamserwer.bsky.social’s formulation of “the cruelty is the point”, it’s because it revealed a system with an intentional, if horrifying, output. The purpose of a system is what it does.
Boarded United #UA2440 ORD-LAS for #ewa24! Haven't made it to EWA before, so excited for that—and don't think I've been to Vegas since #snd08. Looking forward to seeing folks there!
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The 11th annual international Gender Census 2024 is now open until at least 13th June 2024! survey.gendercensus.com It's for anyone whose gender (or lack thereof) isn't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and results are useful in academia, business and self-advocacy.
So, so proud of my teams—always, but especially this week. On my AP data team, @sharonlurye.bsky.social is a Pulitzer finalist for covering the pandemic’s effects on public K-12 students: www.pulitzer.org/finalists/bi... (1/2)
Reposted byAvatar Justin Myers
To be clear, this is about the same percent of people in USA who have been in the military. More than the percent of redheads, more than double the population of people who identified to Pew as Jewish in 2020, & about the same percent of population who are “Asian adults” in 2021 (Pew again).
"We have utterly failed as a country to do the things that would increase safety..." I spoke to @claytonsandell.bsky.social of ScrippsNews about our elected leaders and public health officials abandoning the 6.6% of Americans who are immunocompromised www.scrippsnews.com/health/coron...
Immunocompromised and at-risk Americans feel left behind as COVID restrictions disappearwww.scrippsnews.com Millions of Americans face higher risks than others if they contract COVID.
And now the return: Boarding United #UA415 MXP-ORD! Had a wonderful time away to celebrate with @juliajrh.bsky.social, but I’ll be glad for us to be back in our own bed and to see the little one.
About to board United #UA416 ORD-MXP! Excited to be traveling to Italy for the first time, and excited to be celebrating (belatedly) @juliajrh.bsky.social’s and my 10th wedding anniversary!
Reposted byAvatar Justin Myers
I just went on a walk with my very patient husband and ranted about this at length but: the emphasis on personal choice in terms of covid safety has led to this situation where people think that you’re wearing a mask AT them
“Freedom is easy to imagine when it is the freedom to do as you’re told. … [ #Trans people] are busy taking charge of their own creation. They may not change the world, but they will certainly change _themselves_.” Sounds like the story of my 2023—and, implicitly, of the decades preceding it.
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The hill I will die on is that this is not a digital problem. We don't send younger kids out to play by themselves anymore for fear of kidnapping/CPS, and those kids become teens who don't do it either. There's also a loss of third spaces for teens. Even the freaking malls require chaperones.
Boarded United #UA248 (BWI-ORD)! Hectic week, but _so_ thoroughly enjoyed seeing friends, colleagues and co-conspirators at #NICAR24. I laughed, I cried, I sang, I ate, I learned, I shared. What more could I ask for?
Starting now in Harborside D at #NICAR24: Undercovered stories about trans communities! A great panel lineup here, including yours truly! Come by if you're interested!
Important point by @propublica.bsky.social’s Haru Coryne and Sophie Chou at #NICAR24: When reporting on racial disparities, we _inevitably_ have to grapple with specific social and moral values. This type of problem is all about balancing concerns! You can’t “objectivity” your way out of it.
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Think about the tool in terms of limits. What can't it do? Also the limits of journalism, ethics: How far am I willing to take this? From @jeffhargarten.bsky.social at #nicar24
Boarding United #UA1963 ORD-BWI! Looking forward to an especially packed #nicar24 (and my first journalism conference after leaving Twitter). If you’ll be in Baltimore, say hi! (1/4)
Hadn't yet worked directly with Fazil, but we'd talked a few times during his job search. I know he had a lot of excitement and promise and was enjoying things in New York. Gutted to hear he's gone so soon.
Here’s our story today about investigative journo Fazil Khan, who died after an e-bike battery started a fire in his NYC apartment building. His work was very, very good — the kind of investigative journalism most of us wistfully dream about in this profession. www.nydailynews.com/2024/02/25/h...
Harlem fire victim Fazil Khan remembered as ‘humble, generous’ journalistwww.nydailynews.com Khan, who most recently reported on how poor college students pay more for out-of-pocket school costs than their richer classmates, was killed in an e-bike battery blaze.
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I haven’t been considering any sort of birth certificate change such as the one Utah would require under this law—but even if I were, Tennessee (my birth state) has prohibited this specific type of amendment for quite some time now, and other states have discussed it in recent months.
Breaking: Utah House passes invasive, criminal anti-trans bathroom ban New, at Law Dork —> www.lawdork.com/p/utah-house...
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This (from Cory Doctorow) is the crux of the AI dilemma, that everyone in Silicon Valley wants you to ignore. What AI does well is cheap stuff like clickbait web copy. Minimal savings there. So who will actually pay for costly AI when investors stop subsidizing? locusmag.com/2023/12/comm...
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